1st National Bail Application And Argument Competition 2021

  • Post category:Events
  • Reading time:18 mins read

Moot Court Association of Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law is hosting the 1st National Bail Application and Argument Competition.

About Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law

Located in the vibrant Financial Capital of India, Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law (TRCL), a new GEM in the necklace of Thakur Education Group, imparts a rigorous and multi-disciplinary legal education with a view to producing world-class legal professionals, scholars, and public servants.

Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law empowers its students with knowledge, skills, and vision to meet the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing world.

TRCL’s expert faculty comes from across the spectrum of legal careers and engages in a critical study that contributes to public debates both in class and country. TRCL is committed to providing quality education to learners at all levels. Backed by the visionary spirit of the Thakur Group of Education, TRCL brings to Dahisar, world-class state-of-the-art infrastructure and amenities for the new generation of students.


“To offer accessible quality legal education, training, research, and innovation and cultivate the intellectual discipline, creativity, and critical skills that will prepare its students for the highest standards of professional competence in the practice of law in a global environment.


“A premier Law School committed to the advancement of academic achievement in legal education, training, research, and innovation for development and prepares excellent lawyers and legally trained professionals to serve  the society with excellence and professionalism.”

Registration Process

  • Online Registration will open from ——. The last date for registration is 10th October, 11:59 pm.
  • The Participating team for the Competition shall duly fill the Registration form provided at along with the Registration fee of Rs.2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) which shall be non- refundable.
  • Teams can avail the EARLY BIRD OFFER at Rs. 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand and Five Hundred only)
  • Last Date for early bird registration is 30th September, 11:59 pm.
  • The Registration fees shall be done though Online Transaction.
  • Conformation Mail and Team Codes shall be sent within 2-3 day

Bank details for RTGS/NEFT:

Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law-A/c Lex Communique

Bank: Indian bank.

Branch: Kandivali (EAST)

A/c. No.: 6701666981

IFSC Code: IDIB000K161

Rules, Procedure And Guidelines For The Competition


The official working language for the Competition shall be English.

Participation, Eligibility And Team Composition

  1. The competition is open for students who are studying LL.B. three year or LL.B. five- year course.
  2. A minimum of one to maximum 3 teams per college shall be admissible.
  3. Team composition – Team of 2; 1 Speaker & 1 Researcher
  4. Clarifications regarding the bail problem will be submitted by 13th October.
  5. The Competition will be conducted through the online platform Zoom.
  6. All the teams should ensure they have strong internet connection along with proper audio and video facilities.
  7. Teams must make sure they don’t have any background disturbance from their end that can disrupt the smoothness of the competition.
  8. If the team members are facing any network issues, they must inform the organising committee in order to get reasonable time to join in.
  9. The teams have to keep their video on throughout the round and must be on mute unless it is their chance to speak.
  10. Team members must enter all the rounds with their team codes as their name.
  11. 11.All the participants should appear in a formal dress code.
  12. The decision of the judge is final and binding. No challenge to the decision will be tolerated.
  13. The Arguments shall be in English language only.
  14. All decisions made by the organizers are binding. Any usurpation of the above givennorms will lead to direct disqualification from the competition.
  15. In case of any dispute arising out in the interpretation of the rules, or otherwise, the decision of the organizers would be final and binding. The organizers will have the exclusive authority to interpret these Rules.
  16. All the teams will have to draft the bail application and reply and mail it to :  trclbailapplication@gmail.com in or before 18th October, 11:59pm.
  17. The Draw of Lots shall be conducted on 22nd October.
  18. Any team who wishes to submit compendium can mail the same of  trclbailapplication@gmail.com on 23rd October.

Bail Application & Reply

  • The submission is to be done for both the sides.
  • It shall be strictly in the form of application, consisting of Maximum 3-4 Pages.
  • Bail Application and Reply shall be submitted on: trclbailapplication@gmail.com Please note that no hard copies are to be submitted.
  • It must contain Cover Page.
  • The Cover page shall include:
  • The Name of the Court
  • The Year of the Competition

The Name of the Case

  • The Name of the parties
  • The teams should use the 20th Blue Book edition for footnotes throughout the submission.
  • Formatting Specifications

For Main Text

  • Font type: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Alignment Justified
  • Pages: 10

For Heading

  • Font type: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 14

For Cover Page

  • Font type: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 14
  • The contents of the application should not be plagiarized.

Team Code (The name of the college and the name of the participants must not be disclosed.)

  • The Marking Criteria
S. NoCriterionMarks
1.Knowledge of Facts20 marks
2.Interpretation of Laws and Research20 marks
3.Reasoning20 marks
4.Vocabulary and Grammar20 marks
5.Adherence to Guidelines20 marks

Oral Rounds

  1. Preliminary Rounds (10 minutes for arguments + 2 minutes for rebuttal)
  2. Quarter Final Round (10 minutes for arguments + 2 minutes for rebuttal)
  3. Semi-Final Round (12 minutes for arguments + 2 minutes for rebuttal)
  4. Final Round (14 minutes for arguments + 2 minutes for rebuttal)


The Preliminary Round / Quarter Final Round

Each Team shall be given a total of 10 minutes to argue for the bail application. Any Exceeding the Allotted time will lead to a deduction of 0.25 Marks per minute. However, an extension of time is permissible at the discretion of the judges. Strict adherence to court manners shall be observed by all the participants. This shall be a knockout round.

The Semi Final Round

Each Team shall be given a total of 12 minutes to argue for the bail application. Any Exceeding the Allotted time will lead to a deduction of 0.25 Marks per minute. However, an extension of time is permissible at the discretion of the judges. Strict adherence to court manners shall be observed by all the participants. This shall be a knockout round.

The Final Round

Each Team shall be given a total of 14 minutes to argue for the bail application. Any Exceeding the Allotted time will lead to a deduction of 0.25 Marks per minute. However, an extension of time is permissible at the discretion of the judges. Strict adherence to court manners shall be observed by all the participants. This shall be a knockout round.

Mode Of Online Rounds

The rounds will be conducted via Zoom. All teams are requested to download Zoom on their laptops/phones beforehand.

  • Participants must ensure high speed 4G internet connection with good audio and video facilities. It is advisable to the participants to use laptops or PC for the oral rounds.
  • The background of the participants should be preferably plain. The background / surroundings of the participants should not be or project either through signage, color, logo, emblem, infrastructure or any other form of display which would reveal the identity of the participants and / or the institution they represent.
  • Utmost care to be taken as regards to external sound or noise while the proceedings are on. During the oral round proceedings ensure that the same is conducted from a noise free room.
  • At the time when the other participant is speaking, you are expected to keep your mic mute. In case a participant is found disturbing the other pleader anyway, he/she may be disqualified.

The Marking Criteria

S. NoCriterionMarks
1.Knowledge of Facts20 marks
2.Application of Laws to the Fact & Interpretation40 marks
3.Vocabulary & Clarity of Thoughts and Expression10 marks
4.Court Etiquettes10 marks
5.Rebuttal and Response to Questions.20 marks


  • Best Team: Cash Prize + Trophy+ Certificate
  • 2nd Best Team: Trophy+ Certificate
  • Best Advocate: Certificate
  • Best Bail Application: Certificate


Participants/ Participating Teams shall not disclose their names and the identity of their respective institution/college/university at any time before the award ceremony. Each team shall be issued individual codes, at the time of registration and the same shall be the sole source of identity of the respective teams throughout the competition.

The copyright over the bail application submitted for participation in the competition is assigned by participants and shall vest completely and fully on the Organizers. The Participants shall certify in writing the originality of materials contained therein and shall be responsible for any claim or dispute arising out of the further use and exhibition of these materials. Further use and exhibition of these materials, electronically or otherwise, shall be the exclusive right of the Organizers and they shall not be responsible for any liability to any person for any loss caused by errors or omissions in the collection of information, or for the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in these materials.


  • All the participants are expected to maintain the decorum in the court during the competition and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the legal profession.
  • The organizerswill resolve any contingencies that may arise and will be the final arbiters regarding anydoubts/ grievances. The decision taken by the organizers shall be final and binding.
  • Acceptance of above-mentioned rules and regulations is a pre-requisite to participationin the competition. The rules shall be strictly adhered to. The organizers reserve the right to disqualify teams for deviating from rules. The Organizers will resolve any contingencies that may arise and will be the final arbiters regarding any doubts/grievances. These Rules are not exhaustive.
  • Anyreferenceto identityofa team’sinstitutionorindividual teammembers, eitherduring oral arguments or in the Bail Application may lead to disqualification of theteam.
  • The organizers reserve the   right  to  take  appropriate  action for any unethical/ unprofessional and immoral conduct.
  • The organizers decision regarding the interpretation of rules or any other matter relating to competition shall be final.
  • Organizers save the right to modify, alter, vary or repeal any of the above rules. If need so arises.


The Competition is based on a purely fictitious compromise/problem, whereby the characters & the incidents or the course of events in the compromise are completely imaginary and the same has no relation to any person living or dead or any past/present real-life incident. The Moot Court Competition is made solely for the purpose of training law students of India in developing an analytical bent of mind and serving the Bar and the Bench to the best of their abilities.


Rules & Regulations

FIR & Brief Facts

1st National Bail Application And Argument Competition 2021 - The Law Communicants

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National Bail Application, Competition, Argument Competition, Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law