9th CARTAL Conference on International Arbitration (March 22 – 23, 2025)

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 9th CARTAL Conference on International Arbitration (March 22 – 23, 2025)

Table of Contents

About the Institution

National Law University, Jodhpur [“NLUJ“] is one of India’s premier law schools established under the National Law University, Jodhpur Act, 1999 legislated by the State Government of Rajasthan. Nestled in the culturally vibrant city of Jodhpur, the Blue City, NLUJ is committed to advancing knowledge and learning, furthering its vision to become a centre for excellence in legal studies.

About the Conference

The 9th CARTAL Conference on International Arbitration, 2025 organised by the Centre for Advanced Research and Training in Arbitration Law [“CARTAL“] is being conducted in a paper presentation and panel discussion format in collaboration with Jus Mundi and Kluwer Arbitration as our knowledge partners, and SCC Times as our exclusive media partner.

Previously, the Conference has hosted prominent luminaries in the sphere of arbitration such as Hon’ble Mr. Justice B. N. Srikrishna (Former Judge, Supreme Court of India), Hon’ble Mr. Justice Madan B. Lokur (Judge, Supreme Court of Fiji), Prof. Marike Paulsson (Director, University of Miami School of Law’s International Arbitration Institute), Prof. (Dr.) Petra Butler (Dean of Law at the University of Canterbury), and many more. The Conference has, in the past, been conducted in association with Baker McKenzie, Linklaters, and the SAARC Arbitration Council, besides other institutional partners. The foregoing editions witnessed a plethora of guest speakers from notable firms and arbitral institutions such as Afridi & Angell, Al Tamimi & Co., Clifford Chance, Homburger, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, Linklaters, King & Spalding, and King & Wood Mallesons, to name a few. The conference aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of international arbitration, blending theoretical knowledge with practical insights from leading experts in the field.


CARTAL was established by National Law University, Jodhpur to advance research and scholarship in the specialized legal domain of arbitration law. The Centre aims to equip students with both theoretical and practical knowledge of arbitration by creating a platform where academicians, professionals, and students can engage in discussions on contemporary arbitration law issues. In furtherance of its mandate, the Centre organizes workshops, conferences, and guest lectures that enhance the understanding of these topics. Additionally, the Centre publishes the Indian Journal of Arbitration Law [“IJAL“] bi-annually.

About IJAL

IJAL is a bi-annual, open-access and double-blind peer reviewed publication, recognised widely as a prominent source of literature on dispute resolution, with a focus on transnational debates as regards to international commercial arbitration and investment treaty arbitration. The Journal has successfully published twelve volumes, regularly hosting contributions from globally renowned experts, and is indexed on HeinOnline, Kluwer Arbitration, Westlaw as well as SCC Online. The articles published in IJAL have, inter alia, been referred to in the Report of the High-Level Committee to Review Institutionalization of Arbitration Mechanism in India constituted under the chairmanship of Justice B.N. Srikrishna, Federal Court of Australia’s website, Submission of the European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration to the UNCITRAL Working Group No. III on ISDS Reforms, UN Secretariat’s note on Bibliography of recent writings related to the work of UNCITRAL, ICC Digital Library. Additionally, IJAL has been cited in Nakul Dewan’s “Enforcing Arbitral Awards in India,” Jan Paulsson and Georgios Petrochilos’ “UNCITRAL Arbitration,” Anselmo Reyes and Weixia Gu’s “The Developing World of Arbitration: A Comparative Study of Arbitration Reform in the Asia Pacific,” and several other noteworthy works.


Paper Presentation and Panel Discussion segments of the Conference would bring diverse perspectives to the subject matter, while also considering a wide range of issues related to arbitration. The deliberations would be contemporary and relevant. The broad theme for this year’s conference is “Reconciling Tradition with Innovation: Future Proofing the Dispute Resolution Processes“.

The sub-themes are as follows:

IInstitutional Arbitration: Navigating Legal Frameworks and Enhancing Procedural Efficiency
IIRevolutionizing Arbitration with Emerging Technologies

This year, we are proud to introduce another incredible panel as we look forward to hosting Justice Mr. Hemant Gupta, (Retd.) Supreme Court of India, Prof. Dr. Shilohu Rao (Professor of Law and Technology, NLU, Jodhpur), Ms. Andrea Menaker (Partner, White & Case, LLP), Ms. Genevieve Poirier (Partner, LALIVE), Mr. Arno Janssens (Counsel, Abu Dhabi International Arbitration Centre), Mr. Subir Kumar (Founder-SDS Advocates-India Member-ICC Commission on Arbitration & ADR), Ms. Tarunima Vijra (Counsel, Hanotiau & van den Berg Brussels, Belgium), Dr. Ajar Rab (Advocate, Arbitrator, Professor, Founding Partner, ANR Law LLP), Mr. Varun Pathak (Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas), Dr. Abhimanyu Chopra (Partner, AZB & Partners), Mr. AJ Jawad (Registrar, IAMC, Hyderabad), and Mr. Manu Sanan (Advocate and Principal at Sanan Law).


We welcome all students, academicians, and practitioners to attend the Conference.  

Registration Fees

The following registration fee is payable in sum for attending both the paper presentation and panel discussion segments of the Conference.

a. Academicians/Practitioners/Professionals: INR 3000/- (per person)
b. Students/Ph.D. Research Scholars: INR 2000/- (per person)

Please note this fee payable would be adjusted towards the accommodation, meals, and conference participation costs. The Participants must bear their individual travel expenses. However, the conveyance from the accommodation to the University would be provided for.

How to participate?

Interested attendees may showcase their interest in participation by filling out the participation form, available here.

All attendees will be presented with certificates of participation and will be invited to a networking dinner. 


  1. Closing date of registration: March 16, 2025 [extended deadline]
  2. Conference dates: March 22 – 23, 2025


In case of any queries, you may contact us at ijal@nlujodhpur.ac.in or alternatively at +91 8454867872.