A one-day workshop on Bystander Intervention for dealing with Cyberbullying

A one-day workshop on Bystander Intervention for dealing with Cyberbullying

About the Organisation

Accords International (AcIn) is the world’s premier organization working in the area of conflict resolution. We are passionate about discovering innovative techniques in mediation and restorative justice for widening their scope as a mechanism of conflict resolution.

AcIn organizes a monthly chat with global conflict resolution experts to sensitize the audience about creating innovative techniques for conflict resolution. 

About the Event 

Accords International is organizing a one-day workshop on Bystander Intervention for dealing with Cyberbullying.

AcIn will host Eli McCarthy, Professor, Georgetown University and Director, DC Peace Team, USA.                              

Eli S. McCarthy, Ph.D. (he/him) has led numerous training in nonviolent communication, unarmed civilian protection, and bystander intervention. He also helps facilitate the deployments of DCPT’s unarmed civilian protection units. In addition, he teaches at Georgetown University in Justice and Peace Studies.

Eli’s most recent book is called A Just Peace Ethics: Building Sustainable Peace and Breaking Cycles of Violence (2020) and has another book called Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and U.S. Policy (2012).

It will be a two-hour event and will emphasize:
1. What is Cyberbullying and how it is different from bullying both in meaning and impact
2. Who is a bystander? And who is a bystander in specific cases of cyberbullying?
3. How can Bystanders intervene? Eli McCarthy will discuss DCPT’s CLARA technique for motivating bystander intervention.

Date: June 4, 2022
Time: IST 6:30-8:30 p.m. (EST 9:00-11:00 a.m.)

Registration Link –https://forms.gle/8UBATUWPdLfpJU9WA

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