Every Action Of State Is Required To Be Guided By Non­-arbitrariness, Reasonableness & Rationality: Supreme Court

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Every Action Of State Is Required To Be Guided By Non­-arbitrariness, Reasonableness & Rationality

Case: Southern Power Distribution Power Company Limited of Andhra Pradesh (APSPDCL) And Anr. v. M/s. Hinduja National Power Corporation Limited And Anr.

Corum: Justices L. Nageswara Rao and B.R. Gavai

Case No.: Civil Appeal No. 1844 of 2020

Court Observation: “Undisputedly, the appellants – DISCOMS are instrumentalities of the State and as such, a State within the meaning of Article 12 of the Constitution of India. Every action of a State is required to be guided by the touch­stone of non­arbitrariness, reasonableness and rationality. Every action of a State is equally required to be guided by public interest. Every holder of a public office is a trustee, whose highest duty is to the people of the country. The Public Authority is therefore required to exercise the powers only for the public good”.

“Every action of a State is equally required to be guided by public interest. Every holder of a public office is a trustee, whose highest duty is to the people of the country. The Public Authority is therefore required to exercise the powers only for the public good.”

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