Banks Have Exclusive Domain On Their Treasury, Discretion To Release Loan Subject To Their Satisfaction, Can’t Issue Writ: Patna High Court

Banks Have Exclusive Domain On Their Treasury, Discretion To Release Loan Subject To Their Satisfaction, Can’t Issue Writ: Patna High Court

Case: Jitendra vs. The State Bank Of India and Ors

Coram: Justice Sanjeev Prakash Sharma

Case No.: Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No.19852 of 2013

Court Observation: “a writ petition would not lie for seeking a mandamus to release a loan from a Bank. A Bank has an exclusive domain on its own treasury and has the discretion to release loan subject to its satisfaction with the scheme put up before them. The rejection of the application has to be, of course, on the cogent ground. However, if such a decision has been taken, the same cannot be subject to judicial review.”

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Banks Have Exclusive Domain