CALJ NLUJ Call for Submissions: Volume VIII Issue I

CALJ NLUJ Call for Submissions: Volume VIII Issue I, Submit by Aug 15

Table of Contents

About NLU Jodhpur

National Law University, Jodhpur is one of India’s premier law schools, situated in the vibrant and colorful city of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. It was established in 1999 as part of a vision of excellence in legal education through innovative methods of learning and a focus on interdisciplinary studies.

About the Journal

The Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Journal (“CALJ”) is the flagship journal of the Centre for Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, published under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) I.P Massey, Dean, Faculty of Law, National Law University Jodhpur.

CALJ aims to promote scholarly excellence in the area of comparative constitutional and administrative law with a diligent editorial board, an eminent advisory board, and an institution known for its academic excellence. Each issue contains articles, notes, case comments, and book reviews based on contemporary issues of comparative constitutional and administrative law.


The articles, notes, and case comments must relate to the area of comparative constitutional law and administrative law.

Submission Guidelines

1. General Guidelines

  1. The Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Journal [“Journal”] attempts to initiate and foster academic dialogue concerning the subject of Administrative Law and Constitutional Law keeping in mind a global perspective. Please note that all submissions must be topical to the scope and theme of the Journal.
  2. All submitted manuscripts shall be original. Any form of plagiarism would lead to immediate rejection of the submission.
  3. Submission of solicited manuscripts, on invitation from the Journal’s editors, guarantees publication of the same. However, if such solicited manuscript does not meet the Journal’s standards of quality scholarship, final discretion to publish the solicited manuscript vests with the Editorial Board [“Board”]
  4. The author(s) must inform the Board if the manuscript has also been submitted to another journal, website or forum. The Board must be notified immediately if an offer for publication from another journal, website or forum is accepted by the author(s).
  5. After the first publication of a manuscript with the Journal, permission for any subsequent publication in another forum must be obtained from the Board.
  6. All correspondence must be via e-mail and should be addressed to the Managing Editor at editorcalq[at]gmail[dot]com 

2. Specific Guidelines

2.1. Author(s)

  1. Each manuscript may have up to two authors, however, co-authorship is not permitted for Book Reviews and Case Comments.
  2. In case of joint authorship, the author from whom a submission is received by the Board shall intimate the Board of the name, credentials and contact details of the intended co-author.

2.2. Citations and References

  1. All relevant sources shall be duly acknowledged as footnotes.
  2. Speaking footnotes are allowed
  3. The text and citation styles shall conform to the rules prescribed in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th edition).

2.3. Style Guidelines

The Journal accepts submissions in the following categories:

  1. Articles- Not exceeding 10,000 (Ten Thousand) words.
  2. Notes- Not exceeding 4000 (Four Thousand) words.
  3. Case Comment- Not exceeding 3000 (Three Thousand) words.
  4. Book Reviews- Not Exceeding 2000 (Two Thousand) words.

a. Articles: Articles must deal with issues of interest and relevance and must demonstrate a high level of analysis. Articles of a purely descriptive nature are not preferred.

b. Notes: Notes should cover a recent development or should be issue specific. A Note functions as a more condensed and succinct Article.

c. Case Comments: Case comments entail a critical analysis of recent case laws and policy developments.

d. Book Reviews: Book Reviews entail providing critical analysis and review of any book that deals with the subject matter of the Journal. 

All manuscripts must necessarily be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 350 words.

2.4 Word Count: 

Please note that the word limit would be considered excluding the footnotes, except when speaking footnotes are used. The journal may accept shorter or longer submissions depending on the quality of the submission.

3. Copyright Notice 

Authors, upon submission, communicate their acceptance of the following conditions: 

1. The work, upon publication, becomes the property of the Journal. 

2. Permissions for subsequent publication/reprint and/or derivative works must be obtained from the Editors of the Journal.

4. Language

The Journal shall follow British English. 

Formatting Guidelines

  1. The manuscript must be word-processed in Garamond.
  2. The main body text should be in font size 12 and the footnotes in size 10.
  3. There should be a line spacing of 1.5 between paragraphs and headings in the main body and a line space of 1.0 in footnotes.
  4. Verbatim quotes must be put in double quotes and italicized with a 0.5” indent.
  5. The entire document, including footnotes, must be justified.

How to Submit?

  • The Author/s are required to email the manuscript to 
  • The manuscript may be mailed in Microsoft Word (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’) format.
  • The manuscript shall not contain any details of the author, and anonymity must be maintained.
  • The subject of the mail must clearly mention, ‘Submission for CALJ_Volume 8.1 [Article/Note/Case Comment/Book Review]’.
  • The mail must be addressed to the Managing Editor, providing the name of the author/s with the name of the institution affiliated to and the contact details in the body of the mail.
  • A mail confirming the receipt of the manuscript and subsequently its acceptance for publication would be duly conveyed to the author/s through the email id used by the author/s for correspondence.

Submission Deadline

The last date for submission is 11:59 p.m. (IST) on August 15, 2023 (Tuesday).

Contact Information

All correspondence must be via e-mail and should be addressed to the ‘Board of Editors’ at:

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CALJ NLUJ Call for Submissions, CALJ, NLUJ, CALJ, NLUJ CALJ, NLUJ Volume VIII Issue I