Call for Blogs: (ICLRP) Indian Commercial Law Review and Practice

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Call for Blogs: (ICLRP) Indian Commercial Law Review and Practice: No Submission Fee, Submissions on Rolling Basis

About the Organizer

The Indian Commercial Law Review and Practice Blog are run under the aegis of students from Symbiosis Law School, Pune with an aim to increase awareness of business and commercial laws amongst the students, faculty members, legal practitioners, and academicians in the field of law.

About the Blog

Established in 2020, the Indian Commercial Law Review and Practice Blog present itself as a platform for generating awareness in the field of business and commercial laws with the objective of enabling effective discourse and facilitating further research.


While there are no rigid thematic constraints, the article should be related to trending legal issues – national or international. The expectation is that the submitted article will provide informed perspective, critical thinking, and new insight to the readers. We encourage submissions on a wide variety of topics, analyzing policy decisions, proposing legislative reforms, and promoting discussions in a diverse range of contemporary issues relevant to, but not limited to, the areas of:

  1. Corporate Law
  2. Competition Law
  3. Taxation Law
  4. Securities Law
  5. Banking Law
  6. Insolvency Law
  7. Capital Markets
  8. Arbitration Law

Submission Guidelines

The submissions must be sent to <> in an MS word document. The word limit for the manuscripts is between 1000-1500 words. Kindly note that the word limit is exclusive of footnotes. Strict adherence to the word limit is highly advised. No submissions will be accepted if sent to any other email address.


The maximum number of co-authors permitted is two.

Font Style

The manuscript submitted by the author(s) must adhere to the following font styles:

  1. The manuscript submitted must be typed in Times New Roman.
  2. The line spacing must be 1.5.
  3. The font size of the title – 14, *Headings – Size12 – Bold and underlined – Justified
  4. Body text – Size 12
  5. The text should be justified.

Citation Style

The author(s) are requested to provide the link of the sources which have been cited by them in the main body and are required to follow the OSCOLA citation method (4th edition). The citations should be in Numeric Form, Font Times New Roman, Size 10, and in single line spacing. Endnotes are not to be used.

Other Instructions

  1. Authors are requested to give an undertaking that the manuscripts submitted are original pieces of work and have not been plagiarized nor have been published or are in consideration for publishing in any other places.
  2. All submissions must be accompanied by a Covering Letter mentioning submission category, title of the manuscript, institutional affiliation and contact details of the author(s) (Name, year of the study, name of institution etc.).
  3. The body of the manuscript should not contain any personal details of the author(s), so as to enable anonymous screening and peer-review.
  4. The subject of the email should be in the following format: “ICLRAP Blog Submission – Article Name”.

Kindly adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. Any alternate form of formatting is not necessary. Failure to follow the above-mentioned points may result in disqualification.

For any clarifications, kindly contact:

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