Call for Papers on Human Rights & Technologies: A Road Ahead for a book, to be published by a reputed Publisher

Call for Papers on Human Rights & Technologies

Concept Note of the Book

Over the past few years, technology has emerged as a powerful tool in the field of human rights. Emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Big Data, Facial Recognition tools, Internet of Things (IoT), etc have the potential to make enormous contributions in the field of human rights. AI tools can help in gathering data on rights abuses, forensic technology can help in solving crimes, etc. are only some of the benefits which the newer technologies are offering.

However, along with the rapid development and its potential to benefit mankind, concerns have also been raised about its abuse or misuse. The rate at which AI is penetrating almost all aspects of our life raises some serious questions about the future of work and protection of rights of the workers, promotion, and protection of human rights viz. Privacy and digital rights among others. Similarly, while surrogacy has helped thousands to achieve their dream of becoming parents, it has also raised various human rights concerns.

At this juncture, the role that law will play in this field becomes very critical. The growth of these technologies raises important questions about whether our current policies, legal systems, and advocacy strategies are sufficient to mitigate the human rights risks that may result, many of which are still unknown.

Multiple actors are now involved and it’s important that the field of human rights and technology is duly analyzed, understood, and regulated keeping in mind the role and interest of different stakeholders and how they can be best used to promote the interest of mankind and also make advancements but without infringing human rights which the world has earned the hard way and holds dear.

This edited book is a small step in this direction. We propose to analyze and simplify the complex web of technology and human rights. This book aims to start a dialogue in the right direction and seeks to both find solutions and raise new questions as we further delve into a world ruled by technology.

Themes and sub-themes

Human-rights and Technology


  • Development of New Age Human Rights
  • Concept of Equality, Sovereign, Democracy in the digital Age
  • Concept and Theories of digital rights
  • Emerging Concepts of Human Rights: Science, Technology and Digital Rights
  • Next generation Human Rights


  • Issues in Development of Science and technologies
  • Ethics, Morality in Human Rights standards age
  • Protection and promotion of Human Rights
  • Scientific developments and Human Rights
  • Human Rights standards and New Technologies


  • The emergence of digital rights regime
  • Privacy Rights and Freedom
  • National Security and freedom
  • Human Rights in Digital world
  • IPR and Human Rights


  • Biotech, Law and Human rights
  • Surrogacy and human rights
  • Blockchain Technologies and Rights
  • Big Data and Human Rights
  • IoT and Human Rights
  • Human Rights in Digital space
  • Digital Communication Technologies and Human Rights
  • Internet Governance and Human Rights


  • Human Rights as a framework for regulating AI
  • Global Governance on Automated Facial Recognition: Privacy Concerns
  • Use of AI in Human Rights due diligence
  • Policing in India via AI based tools: Human rights concerns
  • Protecting Labour rights in the age of AI


About the Editors

  • Srishti Singh is currently a Doctoral Fellow at Department of International Law, United Nation’s University for Peace, Costa Rica. She has earned her LL.M in International trade law from University of Turin, Italy and has worked at Supreme Court of India & taught at a law school in India before moving to her current position. Her research interests are labour standards, international trade and business and human rights, AI and future of work. She is also currently Head, Business and Human Rights Centre, MyLawman.
  • Abhinav K Mishra is an invited research fellow for the Japan Patent Office’s Institute of Intellectual Property, Tokyo, Japan, where he has worked on Blockchain and IP Law under a project entrusted by Japan Patent Office. Apart from this, he is Visiting lecturer at Indian Law Institute, Lloyd Law College, Sharda University and Maharishi University for Cyber and IP law. He has been delivering Expert Lectures at the Institute of Intellectual Property, Tokyo, Japan and IIT, Jodhpur. He teaches and writes on Legal Theories in IP, Digital Technology Law and Human Rights. He was Resource Person at Cell for IPR Promotion and Management under the aegis of Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Gov of India. He is an advisor and Core Committee member of Indian Society of AI and Law and Core Committee member of Global Review panel of the prestigious Massachusetts Information Technology Review.

Submission Guidelines

  • The work submitted shall be the original and unpublished work of the author. The plagiarism level must be less than 15%.
  • Word Limit (Exclusive of Footnotes): 5000-11000 Words
  • Citation: The Citation style should be in consonance with OSCOLA latest edition.
  • The body of the paper shall be: Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Citations Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 10 and Line Spacing: 1
  • Headings should be Bold, in Capitals, Size 14, center-aligned.

Submission Procedure

  • All submissions shall be sent through email at: in Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx) format.
  • The author must send in the cover letter in the body of the email, which must contain all the relevant details: (Name of the author(s), Designation, Name of College/University/Institution, Phone Number and Email ID).
  • Co-Authorship is limited to two only.
  • The decision of the Editorial Committee shall be final and binding.

Important Dates

  • An abstract of 500 words shall be sent via email latest by 5th September 2021.
  • The Last Date for submission of the final paper is 30th November, 2021.

For any further query, feel free to email at


The publication will be available on

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Call for Papers, Human Rights & Technologies, Call for Papers on Human Rights & Technologies