Call for Papers on AI, Law, and Policy
Concept Note of the Book
AI has now penetrated almost every aspect of our lives. There is an urgent need to monitor and regulate the use of AI. AI also raises multiple ethical, moral, and legal concerns which need to be understood and addressed before it’s too late.
Whether it is the future of the work, rights of workers, privacy concerns, etc. all these areas need detailed analysis and understanding.
The way the world does business has undergone a sea change in the last few decades. Rapid globalization, the rise of global supply chains, and rapid, fast-paced technological changes have disrupted the traditional ways of doing and handling business. Virtual meetings, seamless movement of goods and services, capital have become the new normal.
Like any other major change, technological advancements are raising new challenges and concerns. An urgent need is being felt to regulate it. However, given its nature, it is virtually impossible for a single body, whether national or international to regulate it. So both lawmakers and policymakers are struggling to match the pace of the fast-changing world.
The aim of the proposed book is to start a conversation in the right direction. Through this book, the editors want to contribute to the understanding of AI, its interface with different laws and how the law and policy related to AI and automation in a particular sector is shaping up, and how the stakeholders can regulate and monitor it. This book aims to deepen the understanding of the readers on various aspects of the interplay of AI in different fields of law and its regulatory response.
Themes & Sub- Themes
- AI Technologies: Age of automation
- AI and New Technologies
- AI, ML and Robotics: Automation and Ethics
- Basic theories of Law and Policies
- Regulation of AI, ML programming
- AI Regulatory Regime and Regulatory Authority
- AI Regulation in International Law
- AI and International Law
- AI Law and Policies in different parts of the world
- AI and International
- Robots and Personalities in Law
- Automation and Ethical dilemmas
- AI Technologies
- AI and Human RIghts
- AI and creativity
- AI technologies and interplay with IP Laws
- AI, creativity and copyrights
- AI, ectypes and deepfakes
- AI and Moral Rights
- AI and Patents Law
- AI and Cybersecurity
- AI and its intersection with Cyber Laws
- Criminal Law and AI
- LegalTech and AI
- AI regulation and Smart Contract
- Use of AI technologies in Judicial institutions
- Predictive technologies and Judicial Process
- Government use of AI technologies
- Use of AI in surveillance v. Rights of the People
- AI and Future of Work
About Editors
- Srishti Singh is currently a Doctoral Fellow at Department of International Law, United Nation’s University for Peace, Costa Rica. She has earned her LL.M in International trade law from University of Turin, Italy and has worked at Supreme Court of India & taught at a law school in India before moving to her current position. Her research interests are labour standards, international trade and business and human rights, AI and future of work. She is also currently Head, Business and Human Rights Centre, MyLawman.
- Abhinav K Mishra is an invited research fellow for the Japan Patent Office’s Institute of Intellectual Property, Tokyo, Japan, where he has worked on Blockchain and IP Law under a project entrusted by Japan Patent Office. Apart from this, he is Visiting lecturer at Indian Law Institute, Lloyd Law College, Sharda University and Maharishi University for Cyber and IP law. He has been delivering Expert Lectures at the Institute of Intellectual Property, Tokyo, Japan and IIT, Jodhpur. He teaches and writes on Legal Theories in IP, Digital Technology Law and Human Rights. He was Resource Person at Cell for IPR Promotion and Management under the aegis of Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Gov of India. He is an advisor and Core Committee member of Indian Society of AI and Law and Core Committee member of Global Review panel of the prestigious Massachusetts Information Technology Review.
Important Dates
- Last Date to Submit Abstract : 15 September 2021
- Last Date to Submit Final Paper : 15 December 2021
Submission Guidelines
- The work submitted shall be the original and unpublished work of the author. The plagiarism level must be less than 15%.
- Word Limit (Exclusive of Footnotes): 5000-11000 Words
- Citation: The Citation style should be in consonance with OSCOLA latest edition.
- The body of the paper shall be: Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line Spacing: 1.5
- Citations Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 10 and Line Spacing: 1
- Headings should be Bold, in Capitals, Size 14, center-aligned.
Submission Procedure
- All submissions shall be sent through email at: in Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx) format.
- The author must send in the cover letter in the body of the email, which must contain all the relevant details: (Name of the author(s), Designation, Name of College/University/Institution, Phone Number and Email ID).
- Co-Authorship is limited to two only.
- The decision of the Editorial Committee shall be final and binding.
Publication Fees: NIL
Note: The decision of the editorial board shall be final and the book shall be published by a reputed national/international publisher.
For any further queries, feel free to contact
The publication will be available on

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