Call for Submissions- The IP Press Law Review, Volume I, Issue II

Call for Submissions- The IP Press Law Review, Volume I, Issue II

Table of Contents

About the law review

The IP Press Law Review (IPPLR) is an initiative of The IP Press to extend our objectives of spreading awareness on the issues concerning intellectual property rights and related laws. The main aim behind starting this journal is to promote study and research in the field of intellectual property laws. The Journal will be a reflection of some of the key concerns of the Intellectual property regime both under national and international parlance. The Journal is envisioned to embody some of the most brainstorming insights that will help readers to grasp the discourse around contemporary developments in the field of Intellectual Property Law.

Call for Submissions

The IP Press Law Review invites original and unpublished manuscripts including but not limited to long articles, short articles, case notes & comments, and book reviews related to the field of Intellectual Property and allied laws. The contributions are invited from academicians, practitioners, legal professionals, research scholars, and students.

Long Articles  6000- 8000 words [Inclusive of footnotes.]In-depth analysis of a contemporary legal issue.The lacunae or research gap. Suggestions & Opinions.
Short Articles3000- 6000 words [Inclusive of footnotes.]Comprehensive analysis of a specific legal issue.The legal challenge and way forward.
Case notes & Comments1500 – 3000 words [Inclusive of footnotes.]Any recent case law that discusses a contemporary legal issue. It should contain a critical analysis of -obiter dicta or specific legal predicament set forth in particular case law or – policy reform proposal or – legislative development or -amendments.
Book Review1000-1500 words [Inclusive of footnotes.]It should include a short summary of the book, background information about the author and topic, and an evaluation of the content.
  • For editorial and publication policy, click here.
  • To submit your paper, click here.

The deadline for submitting the manuscript for fall publication is January 02, 2023.


For any Law Review-related queries, contact– 

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