Call for Team Members

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Call for Team Members: Commercial and Financial Law Reporter (CFLR)

About CFLR

The Commercial and Financial Law Reporter (CFLR) is a platform dedicated to intensive research in the field of Commercial and Financial Law. CFLR emboldens the idea of innovation and synergy in Commercial and Financial Laws and provides a holistic understanding of the subjects. We welcome students, academicians, and professionals to contribute their unique and distinctive ideas to stimulate discourse among the legal fraternity. 

We have an advisory board of renowned professionals in the field, ranging from partners in top law firms to university lecturers. Our editorial team comprises mentors from the top law firms of India, and students from law universities across the country. 

For additional information, please visit or 

Call for Team Members

CFLR is currently looking for law students from the first year onwards of the five-year and three-year courses to join its team as research interns, social media coordinators, and coordinating editors.

Responsibilities of Research Interns (Number of Positions: 5)

  1. Formulate case studies on relevant and contemporary topics, which shall be subsequently published on the CFLR blog.
  2. Coordinate with the social media team to generate content through research for social media posts.

Responsibilities of Social Media Coordinator (Number of Position: 1)

  1. Generate ideas for content that may be created.
  2. Oversee the content creation and make sure it is posted across all our social media platforms in a timely fashion.
  3. Generate a following, and more engagement for all our social media. Post in line with the algorithm, to get maximum engagement.
  4. Follow and interact with important initiatives and individuals on social media, and make recommendations regarding contemporary topics that may be taken up by the Content Creators.

Responsibilities of Coordinating Editor (Number of Positions: 2)

  1. Act as a link between contributors and the editorial team and ensure that review timelines are strictly adhered to.
  2. Identify potential contributors for the blog and invite them to write for CFLR.
  3. Connect with the mentors on a regular basis and update them of the activities at CFLR.
  4. Publish the articles that are accepted by the editorial team.

How to apply

If you are interested in joining our team, kindly apply for the position of your interest using the forms below. 

Research Interns can apply here, Social Media Coordinators can apply here, and Coordinating Editors can apply here. Please ensure that you fill the relevant forms only.

The deadline to apply for this opportunity is 20th November 2021, 11:59 pm. 

If your application has been selected, you shall be notified within 10-15 days.

For any queries, you may reach out to us at 

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