Cfp: International Seminar (eighteenth virtual) on ‘Maritime Law – An Overview of Legal and Regulatory Framework’

Cfp: International Seminar (eighteenth virtual) on ‘Maritime Law – An Overview of Legal and Regulatory Framework’ [December 2nd]: Submit Abstract by November 15th

About the Organization

The Kerala Law Academy Law College (KLA), established in 1966 is a Centre for legal studies, legal research and law reforms. Its acclaimed peer-reviewed Research Journal has been published continuously since 1977.

The College, affiliated to the University of Kerala, offers Undergraduate programs in BA LL.B. and B. Com LL.B. five-year integrated courses, LLB Unitary three-year course and post-Graduate courses of LL.M (Administrative Law), LL.M (International Law) and MBL (Master of Business Law).

About the Seminar

Kerala Law Academy Law College in association with Centre for Advanced Legal Studies and Research (CALSAR) and IQAC, KLA is organizing a One Day International Seminar on ‘Maritime Law – An Overview of Legal and Regulatory Framework’ on December 2nd 2023 from the Kerala Law Academy Campus, Peroorkada, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

Call for Papers

The Organizing Committee is calling for Research Articles from Law Students, Academicians, Lawyers, Social Workers, Policy Makers, and Officials from various Departments- Representatives from Institutions and Professionals; NGO, Social Activists, Social Science Researchers and Faculty and Research Scholars.

Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a set of laws, international conventions, and treaties that govern maritime business such as shipping or offences occurring on open water. As 90% of world trade is carried out by sea, everyone who is even remotely connected with law, international trade/port/customs, MBA students, exporters/importers, management of large corporations, etc. must have at least a working knowledge of Maritime Law. It’s important to have a fair idea of laws that govern the international movement of goods especially with ever-changing jurisdictions as a ship moves from one country to another. Admiralty law or maritime law is a body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships. While each legal jurisdiction usually has its own legislation governing maritime matters, the international nature of the topic and the need for uniformity has, since 1900, led to considerable international maritime law developments, including numerous multilateral treaties.

This Seminar aims to focus on the Overview of the legal and regulatory framework of Maritime law, the history of Admiralty Jurisdiction, the role of Arbitration in International maritime disputes and with regard to the protection of the rights of women seafarers. Moreover, this seminar provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the field of Maritime Law.


The Seminar is conducted through the online platform ZOOM. All the participants should have good access to the internet and be able to access the above said online platform.


Theme I

i. History of Admiralty Jurisdiction.

ii. Role of Admiralty Courts in the Exercise of Admiralty Jurisdiction in the present scenario.

Theme II

i. Maritime law and Human Rights – Rights of Seafarers in the world shipping industry.

ii. Protection of the rights of the women seafarers.

iii. International Regulatory framework in protecting the Rights of Seafarers.

iv. Need for a separate regulatory framework in India to address the issues of seafarers.

Theme III

i. MARPOL at 50 – Role of MARPOL in protecting the marine eco system.

ii. Indian Legislations in Preventing Marine Pollution in India.

Theme IV

i. Role of Arbitration in International Maritime disputes.

ii. Challenges in the enforcement of Maritime Arbitral Award.

iii. Scope of Maritime Arbitration in India.

Theme V

i. Preventing and Prosecuting Piracy at Sea: Legal Issues.

ii. Somalian Pirates: A Challenge to the Maritime Community.

iii. Role of IMO in Combating Maritime Piracy.

iv. Need for Maritime Piracy Law in India: Challenges and Opportunities.

Theme VI

i. International Regulatory framework on the arrest of vessels.

ii. Arrest of vessels and Port State Control.

iii. Arrest of vessels and Indian Maritime Law.

Kindly send the abstract on or before 15th November 2023 by e-mail to:

Publication Opportunity

The Research Articles received would be published in Proceedings with ISBN.

Guidelines for Paper Submission

• Kindly confine yourself to the areas identifiable with the title of the seminar.

• The papers must be in Times New Roman, Font Size: Heading-14, Text-12 in A4 format, single line spacing, in justify not exceeding 2500 words including Title, details of the Author/s and Footnotes.

• Authors are encouraged to use The Bluebook (20th ed.) citation format for footnoting and it should be in Times New Roman Font 10 size. Further, speaking footnotes are discouraged.

• An Abstract not exceeding 250 words shall be submitted for consideration.

• The Abstract shall contain the Synopsis of the Paper, Subtitles, Reference materials and conclusion indicating the author’s perspective.

• The Abstract must be mailed to on or before November 15th, 2023. It must be accompanied by a cover page, stating the following: Title of the paper; Sub-Theme; Name of Author(s); Name of Institute/Organization; Official Designation; E-mail Address; Postal Address, and Contact Number.

• The Submission should be in WORD FORMAT.

• All footnotes must adhere to 20th edition of Bluebook standards and must be styled using the footnote option in word. Borders, underlines or other design objects must not be included in the paper.

• References need not be mentioned at the end of a paper and must be included within footnotes.

• Precedents may be in Italics but not bold.

• All sub headings must be left aligned, in bold.

• The Papers shall be screened by a Committee. The Full Papers (2500 words) approved by the Committee shall be accepted for presentation in the Seminar. The intimation of selection will be made through E-mail.

• The final paper should contain a cover page which includes Name, Designation, Relevant Discipline and Year of Study, Address, E-mail id and Contact number. Authors are to give details in the Full Paper.

• Abstracts and papers should be written in English, and the working language of the Seminar will be English, and presentations shall be done in English.

• Submissions should be made by the author who will attend the Seminar.

• Co-Authorship is allowed but limited to one Co-Author only.

• Only one paper per participant will be permitted. Multiple submissions will lead to disqualification.

• No part of the paper should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication. Any form of Plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.

• The Organizers will take earnest effort to publish the best articles selected from among those received, subject to their acceptance by reputed journals as per their criteria.

• Publishing Charges if any demanded for the journal is to be paid by the author.

Submission Procedure

Kindly send the abstract on or before November 15th, 2023 by e-mail to

Important Dates

• Submission of Abstracts: 15th November 2023.

• Communication of Abstract Acceptance: 16th November 2023.

• Submission of Full paper: 25th November 2023.

• Intimation of Full Paper Acceptance: 26th November 2023.

• Date of payment of Registration fee: 28th November 2023.

• International Seminar: 2nd December 2023

Registration Fees and Payment Details

There is a registration fee of INR 1000 per Author (An additional fee of INR 500 should be paid in the case of a maximum of one Co-Author).

For Seminar Participation only: INR 200.

The payment can be made through the online link provided on the Kerala Law Academy website.


All the Participants registered for Presentation and Participation will be awarded with a respective E-certificate.

Contact Information

• Faculty Convenor:

1) Adv. Priya M K (Assistant Professor, Kerala Law Academy Law College):- +91 9633311359

• Faculty Co-Convenors:

1) Dr. Dakshina Saraswathy (General Secretary- MCS, Assistant Professor, Kerala Law Academy Law College): – +91 9744169215

2) Adv. Salini A.P. (Assistant Professor, Kerala Law Academy Law College) :- +91 8527861463

• Student Convenors:

1) Arya M A- +91 7356877165

2) Nandakishore S- +91 7306241424

3) Megha M L- +91 9847003074

4) Lekshmi Ramesh- +91 8547706242

5) Roshni S- +91 8838785373

6) Sharmada S- +91 9961188599

7) Hrishyikesh R Nath- +91 8078446780

For more details visit The Kerala Law Academy website (