Courts Should Be Sensitive In Cases Of Crimes Against Women, Ensure Criminals Don’t Escape On Technicalities: Supreme Court

Courts Should Be Sensitive In Cases Of Crimes Against Women, Ensure Criminals Don’t Escape On Technicalities: Supreme Court

Case: Balvir Singh v. State of Uttarakhand

Coram: Justices J.B. Pardiwala and Justice Prashant Mishra

Case No.: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 301 OF 2015

Court Observation: “The role of courts in such circumstances assumes greater importance, and it is expected that the courts would deal with such cases in a more realistic manner and not allow the criminals to escape on account of procedural technicalities, perfunctory investigation or insignificant lacunas in the evidence as otherwise the criminals would receive encouragement and the victims of crime would be totally discouraged by the crime going unpunished. The courts are expected to be sensitive in cases involving crime against women.”

“The rule of benefit of reasonable doubt does not imply a frail willow bending to every whiff of hesitancy. Judges are made of sterner stuff and must take a practical view of legitimate inferences flowing from evidence, circumstantial or direct.”

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