Examine Private Witnesses First; Try To Complete Their Chief & Cross-Examination On Same: Supreme Court To Trial Courts

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Examine Private Witnesses First; Try To Complete Their Chief & Cross-Examination On Same: Supreme Court To Trial Courts

Case: Rajesh Yadav vs State of UP

Coram: Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul and MM Sundresh

Case No.: CrA 339-340 OF 2014

Court Observation: “We would expect the trial courts to take up the examination of the private witnesses first, before proceeding with that of the official witnesses”

“Day in and day out, we are witnessing the sorry state of affairs in which the private witnesses turn hostile for obvious reasons. This Court has already expressed its views on the need for a legislative remedy to curtail such menace. Notwithstanding the above stated directions issued by this court in Vinod Kumar (supra), we take judicial note of the factual scenario that the trial courts are adjourning the cross examination of the private witnesses after the conclusion of the cross examination without any rhyme or reason, at the drop of a hat. Long adjournments are being given after the completion of the chief examination, which only helps the defense to win them over at times, with the passage of time. Thus, we deem it appropriate to reiterate that the trial courts shall endeavor to complete the examination of the private witnesses both chief and cross on the same day as far as possible. To further curtail this menace, we would expect the trial courts to take up the examination of the private witnesses first, before proceeding with that of the official witnesses. A copy of this judgment shall be circulated to all the trial courts, to be facilitated through the respective High Courts.”

“This classification has to be borne in mind by the Court. With respect to the first category, the Court is not denuded of its power to make an appropriate assessment of the evidence rendered by such a witness. Even a chief examination could be termed as evidence. Such evidence would become complete after the cross examination. Once evidence is completed, the said testimony as a whole is meant for the court to assess and appreciate qua a fact. Therefore, not only the specific part in which a witness has turned hostile but the circumstances under which it happened can also be considered, particularly in a situation where the chief examination was completed and there are circumstances indicating the reasons behind the subsequent statement, which could be deciphered by the court. It is well within the powers of the court to make an assessment, being a matter before it and come to the correct conclusion.”

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Examine Private Witnesses, Cross-Examination, Chief & Cross-Examination