Customs Authorities Cannot Encash Bank Guarantee Before Expiry Of The Limitation Period For Filing An Appeal: Bombay High Court

Customs Authorities Cannot Encash Bank Guarantee Before Expiry Of The Limitation Period For Filing An Appeal

Case: S. J. Enterprises & Anr. versus Union of India

Coram: Chief Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice M. S. Sonak

Case No.: Writ Petition No.39 Of 2022

Court Observation: “Despite the above assurance, we find that in the present case, the respondents have acted not only in breach of the Circular of CBEC, which was binding on them but also in breach of the law laid down by the several decisions referred to above. The CBEC circular and the instructions bind the Customs Authorities. In any case, the Customs Authorities are bound by the various decisions referred above, not to mention the solemn assurance on behalf of the Union of India that in the future, adequate care would be taken to follow the law laid down by this Court scrupulously. Therefore, the impugned action is unsustainable.”

“Further, we direct the Commissioner of Customs (respondent no.2) to circulate this judgment and order to all Assistant Commissioners or adjudicating Officers so that in future, there are no similar instances of breach of CBEC instructions or the disobedience of judicial orders. If the Commissioner finds any further cases of violation, we expect the Commissioner to take necessary action against the errant officers.”

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