Delhi High Court Orders Litigant Claiming Ownership of Territory Between Ganga and Yamuna from Agra to Gurugram to Pay ₹10,000 in Costs

Delhi High Court Orders Litigant Claiming Ownership of Territory Between Ganga and Yamuna from Agra to Gurugram to Pay ₹10,000 in Costs


Coram: Justice Subramonium Prasad

Case No.: W.P.(C) 11198/2023

Court Observation: “This Court is of the opinion that the writ petition is completely misconceived. The claims raised by the Petitioner in the present Writ Petition cannot be gone into or adjudicated in a writ petition,”

“The judgments, extracts from Wikipedia report, documents of political integration of India, Instrument of Accession also do not substantiate the case of the Petitioner,”

“In view of the above, this Court is inclined to dismiss the writ petition by imposing costs of Rs.10,000/- on the Petitioner. Let the costs be deposited by the Petitioner with the Armed Forces Battle Casualties Welfare Fund within a period of four weeks from today.”

“Writ courts cannot enter into a field of investigation which is more appropriate for the Civil Court in a properly contested suit. Questions of fact which require determination, where rival claims of the parties have to be decided, which are purely factual, can be adjudicated in a properly instituted suit and the proceedings under Article 226 of the Constitution of India is not the proper remedy,”

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Delhi High Court Orders Litigant