Conviction Can be Solely Based Upon Dying Declaration Without Corroboration: Supreme Court

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Conviction Can be Solely Based Upon Dying Declaration Without Corroboration

Case: State of U.P. vs Veerpal

Coram: Justices MR Shah and BV Nagarathna

Case No.: CrA 34 OF 2022

Court Observation: “If the Court is satisfied that the dying declaration is true and voluntary it can base its conviction on it, without corroboration”

“However, it is required to be noted that what was recorded by the Police Officer on 20.12.2011 was the statement under Section 161 Cr.PC. Therefore, it was thought fit to record the dying declaration of the deceased by the Magistrate and that is why SDM was called to record the dying declaration of deceased on 22.12.2011”

“Nothing is on record with regard to any allegation against the Magistrate/SDM to the effect that he was biased or interested in recording the dying declaration against the accused. He was summoned during the course of investigation and during the course of investigation he recorded the dying declaration and the statement of deceased. Even the High Court as such has not doubted the credibility of the dying declaration recorded by the Magistrate/SDM on the ground of malice. The reasoning given by the High Court to not rely upon the dying declaration recorded by the Magistrate/SDM is not germane and cannot be accepted. We see no reason to doubt the dying declaration recorded by the Magistrate on 22.12.2011 in which the deceased specifically stated that at 11:00 am due to the feud over demanding money, respondents – accused have burned her after pouring kerosene over her.”

“In the aforesaid decisions, it is specifically observed and held that there is neither a rule of law nor of prudence to the effect that a dying declaration cannot be acted upon without corroboration. It is observed and held that if the Court is satisfied that the dying declaration is true and voluntary it can base its conviction on it, without corroboration.”

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