Electricity Cannot Be Denied To Tenant Merely Because Landlord Refused To Issue No Objection Certificate: Supreme Court

Electricity Cannot Be Denied To Tenant Merely Because Landlord Refused To Issue No Objection Certificate

Case: Dilip (D) vs Satish

Coram: Justices Indira Banerjee and CT Ravikumar

Case No.: CrA 810 of 2022

Court Observation: “Electricity cannot be declined to a tenant on the ground of failure/refusal of the landlord to issue no objection certificate. All that the electricity supply authority is required to examine is whether the applicant for electricity connection is in occupation of the premises in question”

“It is now well settled proposition of law that electricity is a basic amenity of which a person cannot be deprived. Electricity cannot be declined to a tenant on the ground of failure/refusal of the landlord to issue no objection certificate. All that the electricity supply authority is required to examine is whether the applicant for electricity connection is in occupation of the premises in question.”

“It cannot be said that fabrication and/or creation of records and/or forging a signature does not constitute an offence under the Indian Penal Code. The High Court completely overlooked the definition of cheating in Section 415 of the IPC.”

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Electricity Cannot Be Denied, Objection Certificate