Employment Conditions Can’t Take Away Employees’ Right To Seek Judicial Review Of Employer’s Actions: J&K&L High Court

Employment Conditions Can’t Take Away Employees’ Right To Seek Judicial Review Of Employer’s Actions

Case: Jaffar Hajam Mohd Abbas and ors. Vs Chairman and Managing Director, FCI & ors.

Coram: Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sanjeev Kumar

Case No.: WP(C ) No.1816/2021

Court Observation: “Otherwise also, the aforesaid condition has outlived its utility and has not been pressed into service by the respondent-FCI to deny the petitioners any right, nor shall the petitioners be liable for any action for filing the instant petitions or in future to enforce their rights in breach of offending clause i.e condition No.(iii) of the impugned order,”

“The petitioners have not been able to bring to my notice any representation or protest petition filed by them against the impugned order,”

“This notice was obviously issued as a run up to the filing of instant petition and to come out of the delay and laches,”

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Employment Conditions, Right To Seek Judicial Review,