Onus Is On Propounder To Remove All Suspicious Circumstances About Execution Of Will: Supreme Court

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Onus Is On Propounder To Remove All Suspicious Circumstances About Execution Of Will

Case: Murthy vs C. Saradambal

Coram: Justices L. Nageswara Rao and BV Nagarathna

Case No.: CA 4270 OF 2010

Court Observation: (i) The signature of the testator may be very shaky and doubtful or not appear to be his usual signature. (ii) The condition of the testator’s mind may be very feeble and debilitated at the relevant time. (iii) The disposition may be unnatural, improbable or unfair in the light of relevant circumstances like exclusion of or absence of adequate provisions for the natural heirs without any reason. (iv) The dispositions may not appear to be the result of the testator’s free will and mind. (v) The propounder takes a prominent part in the execution of the will. (vi) The testator used to sign blank papers. (vii) The will did not see the light of the day for long. (viii) Incorrect recitals of essential facts.

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