Family Courts Act Not All Transactions With In-Laws Qualify As Circumstance Arising Out Of Marital Relationship
Case: P.T. Philipose & Anr. v. Sunil Jacob & Ors.
Coram: Justice A. Muhamed Mustaque and Justice Sophy Thomas
Case No.: MAT.APPEAL NO.64 OF 2011
Court Observation: “Every transaction by either of the spouse or by both of them with the in-laws or relatives cannot be termed as ‘in circumstances arising out of a marital relationship’. There may be many personal or commercial transactions for either of the spouse or by both, with the in-laws or their relatives or even remotely between the family members or relatives of either spouse. Such transactions cannot have any nexus with the marriage or marital relationship between them.”
“The main requirement is that such ‘circumstances’ must have a direct bearing on marriage, since the marriage precedes, the existence or origin of a ‘marital relationship’. ‘Circumstances’ arising out of a marital relationship are therefore, ‘occurrences or things which stand around or about, which attend upon, which closely precede or follow, which surround and accompany, which depend upon or which support or qualify the principal event’ of a marriage or marital relationship.”
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Family Courts Act, Marital Relationship