Gautam Navlakha’s bail order for the Bhima Koregaon-Elgar Parishad case, points out that there is no evidence indicating his involvement in a terrorist act: Bombay High Court

Gautam Navlakha’s bail order for the Bhima Koregaon-Elgar Parishad case, points out that there is no evidence indicating his involvement in a terrorist act: Bombay High Court

Case: Gautam P. Navlakha vs. State of Maharashtra

Coram: Justices AS Gadkari and Shivkumar Dige 

Case No.: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 468 OF 2023

Court Observation: “The actual involvement of the appellant in any terrorist act cannot be even inferred from any of the communications and/ or statements of the witnesses,”

“Even though in the said documents, the authors of it have expressed their intention to cause fatality to the politically influential persons or to cause tremendous disturbance in the Society at large, the Appellant only being a member of the party cannot be prima facie held to be a co-conspirator to it. From the material on record, it appears to us that, no covert or overt terrorist act has been attributed to the Appellant.”

“It was at the most the intention of the Appellant to commit the alleged crime and not more than it. The said intention has not been further transformed into preparation or attempt to commit a terrorist act, to attract Section 15 of the UAP Act.”

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Gautam Navlakha’s bail order, Bombay High Court