About The Conference
Sport has changed its identity from a leisure activity to a profession in the contemporary world. It is being pursued as career i.e., professional or academic, it is being treated a commodity, it has taken the shape of goods and services and It is being considered as profitable activity. It has become a centre place of opportunities in different capacities for many. Accordingly, there is a need for involvement of exclusive law to govern its multiple dimensions keeping in mind the peculiarity of interests of all stakeholders.
The Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law, Policy & Research JLU School of Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal and Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab through this “ International Virtual Conference on Regulation of Sports and Entertainment Law” proposes to provide a common platform for legal experts, academicians, researchers, students to bring out, discuss and deliberate on contemporary issues in the law relating to sports and entertainment law and possible solutions for resolutions of the same.
About JLU School Of Law
Ambitions define a man’s future whereas education designs his pathway towards it. At JLU School of Law, we are committed to providing world-class legal education to our students, molding them into steadfast legal professionals, and equipping them with skills to meet the modern challenges of the legal profession.
The students are given exposure to new ideas, international perspectives, and innovative teaching in an encouraging and open academic environment. With a high-quality education bolstered by unique work experiences, our graduating students are well equipped with the skills they need to succeed in a diverse set of fields, in India and abroad. Our primary focus is on fostering global exposure and intensive training by internalizing the core values of law and ethics. Our philosophy is that creative learning in a friendly and healthy academic atmosphere brings out the best in an individual. We have been awarded the title of the best emerging law school in the country in the past by various renowned knowledge magazines and web portals.
About Centre For Sports And Entertainment Law, Policy & Research
Sports Law is one of the few areas of law which is still in the developing stages. Earlier, sport was pursued as a hobby but in the present scenario it has become a dedicated profession and is also an area of business. The Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law, Policy & Research at JLU School of Law focuses on research and provides legal assistance with respect to the issues in existing laws and policies in India related to Sports as a profession as well as commercial activity. In the modern world, sports as a profession and Commercial activity generally interacts with various legal disciplines such as Constitutional Law, Law of Contract, Law of Torts, Criminal Law, Taxation Law, Labour Law, Competition Law, and Intellectual Property Rights. The Centre plans to conduct lectures, workshops, conferences on Sports Law and Policy.
About Rajiv Gandhi National University Of Law, Punjab
Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab was established in 2006 by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act. After acquiring the approval of the Bar Council of India (BCI), the RGNUL started functioning from Mohindra Kothi, the erstwhile Patiala State. The University got registered with the UGC with a vision to serve society through transforming legal services and producing the most competent and able administrators, judicial officers, competent lawyers. As of today, the University offers a five-year integrated undergraduate course (B.A.LL.B) along with LL.M, Ph.D., and LL.D. The university shifted to its permanent campus from Mohindra Kothi, Patiala in May 2013. The entire campus is well connected through boasts of lush green cover and well-carpeted roads.
With an objection to undertake advanced research and advanced study in the areas of the fields of law, the university also established Centre for Consumer Protection Law and Advocacy (CCPLA), School of Agricultural Law and Economics (SALE), Bureau of Information for Study Abroad (BISA), RGNUL Institute for Competitive Examination (RICE), Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law (CASH), Centre for Advanced Study in Criminal Law (CASCL) and Directorate of Distance Education (DODE), Centre For Alternate Dispute Resolution (CADR).
About Centre For Alternative Dispute Resolution
Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR-RGNUL) was established in 2018 to promote students’ and researchers’ interest in Alternative Dispute Resolution constituting dispute resolution methods like Arbitration, Negotiation, Mediation and Conciliation. It is a research Centre dedicated to research and capacity-building in ADR. The ultimate objective, at CADR, is to strengthen ADR mechanisms in the country by emerging as a platform that enables students and professionals to further their interests in the field.
Themes For The Conference
1 Sports Law And Intellectual Property Laws
- The interplay between Sports Law & Intellectual Property Laws.
- Digital and Social Media Rights: Can the Fans Be Forced to Take Down Online Videos?
2 Legal And Ethical Issues In Sports Law
- Critique of Anti-Doping Regulation in India Vis-a-Vis Its Constitutionality.
- Match Fixing Concern in Indian Cricket and Ways to Curb It.
- Arguing For Granting the Status of Fundamental Rights to Sports in India.
- Current Issues Affecting Rights Holders, Regulators, and Clubs in the Sports Sector.
- Dispute Resolution Mechanism Related to Sports issues.
- Arbitration in Sports Law: A Need of the Hour.
- Cases Related to Strict Liability Principle, Anti-Doping and Match Fixing.
- A Need for Comprehensive Legislation to Regulate and Legalised Betting.
3 Broadcasting In Sports And Entertainment Industry
- Agreements on Exploitation of Broadcasting Rights of Sports Events.
- IOC Awards 2018-2024 Broadcast Rights In Asia- A Case Study.
- French Professional Football League Evolving Its New Broadcasting Rights Structure.
- A Future Guide to Piracy Protection for Sports Broadcasting Rights Holders.
- The Evolution of Free-To-Air Broadcasting Battle in Europe.
- Mediation in Entertainment Industry.
4 Sports Law And Allied Legal Issues
- Regulation of Sports Gambling and Live Advertisements.
- Premier League Face Potential ‘Bosman’ Of TV Rights.
- How BREXIT Affects Sports Broadcasting In The UK And Europe?
- Legal Issues Regarding Fantasy league and Online Betting Concerns.
- Ambush Marketing Laws in the Sporting Realm.
- Issues of Criminal Liability in Modern Day Sports Crimes.
- Olympic Games & Human Rights violation.
The above-mentioned themes are not exhaustive in nature. The authors may choose a topic which is in line with theme of the conference.
Submissions are invited from legal and inter-disciplinary academicians, practitioners, consultants, doctoral students, research scholars including inter-disciplinary scholars and law students affiliated with any institution within or outside India.
Submission Guidelines
- All submissions must be made in the English language only.
- Co-authorship is allowed up to a maximum of two authors.
- Abstract: The author(s) must submit an abstract not exceeding 350 words to cselpr.sol@jlu.edu.in on or before 30th June 2021.
- Acceptance of abstract shall be communicated by 5th July 2021
- Submission: The manuscript should be original and unpublished work of the author(s) and any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The author(s) has to give a declaration as to the originality of the work.
- Author(s) shall solely be responsible for the accuracy of statements, opinions,s, and views presented in the manuscripts.
- The name(s) of the author(s) or his/her institutional affiliation or any other information must not be mentioned anywhere in the body of the submission.
- Format: All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12, justified, and with 1.5 line spacing.
- Electronic submissions must be made in MS Word Format (.doc)/(.docx) only. Submissions made in any other format shall not be considered.
- The manuscript should not exceed more than 5000 words excluding the footnotes.
- Citation Style: All citations must be in conformity with The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition). All footnotes must be in Font ‘Times New Roman, font size 10, line spacing 1, and justified.
- Copyright: The copyright in all the papers presented in the conference shall vest with the Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law, Policy & Research, JLU School of Law, Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal (M.P.)
- Indemnification: The Author(s) shall be solely responsible for any claim, suits, and damages for any copyright infringement, defamation, or contempt and agree to indemnify the Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law, Policy & Research, JLU School of Law, Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal (M.P.)
Submission And Registration Procedure
- Upon acceptance of the abstract author(s) must register by paying the registration fee and filling up the Google form. https://forms.gle/JPGRUQowWuyRraP77
- The author(s) must submit the manuscripts along with a duly signed declaration as to the originality of the work to cselpr.sol@jlu.edu.in on or before 25th July 2021.
- All submissions must entail the following subject line “ Submission for International Conference – Sports and Entertainment Law Name of the Author(s)_Institution”
Registration Fee
Single Author | Co–Author (Need to pay separately) | Only Participation | |
Faculty | 1000/- | 500/- | 350/– |
Research Scholar | 700/- | 350/– | 250/– |
Student | 500/- | 250/– | 200/- |
Payment Qr Code

General Information
- The co-author needs to pay a separate registration fee.
- In case of any query kindly reach us by writing an email at cselpr.sol@jlu.edu.in.
- A selected few papers from the conference will be published in a book with Taxmann Publications with an ISBN number.
Conference Secretariat
- Dr. Sandeep Shastri
Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
- Prof. (Dr.) G. S. Bajpai,
Hon’ble Vice- Chancell or Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab
- Prof. (Dr.) Yogendra Kumar Srivastava
Dean – Faculty of Law Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
- Prof. (Dr.) Naresh Kumar Vats
Hon’ble RegistrarRajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab
- Prof. (Dr.) Anand Pawar,
Professor of Law Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab
Dr. Gurmanpreet Kaur
Assistant Professor & Centre Coordinator Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution,
RGNUL Punjab Contact No: 9501034463
Mr. Anugrah Pratap Singh Rajawat
Assistant Professor & Centre Coordinator, Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law, Policy & Research
Email: anugrah.rajawat@jlu.edu.in
Contact No.: 8962290171
Mr. Tanmay Agrawal
Assistant Professor & Centre Co-coordinator, Centre for Sports and Entertainment Law, Policy & Research
Email: tanmay.agrawal@jlu.edu.in
Contact No. – 8895448575
Student Coordinators
- Ms. Alisha Sanjay Singh Contact No. – 8600336013
- Ms. Harshita Joshi Contact No. – 8349117944
- Ms. Rushda Arshad Contact No. – 7389383860
- Mr. Samarth Jain Contact No. – 9644148777
- Ms. Naina Mathur Contact No. – 9644475207
- Ms. Anamika Singh Tomar Contact No. – 7587675136