A Litigant Cannot Take Contradictory Stands before Two Different Courts/Authorities: Supreme Court

A Litigant Cannot Take Contradictory Stands before Two Different Courts/Authorities

Case: Premlata @ Sunita vs Naseeb Bee

Coram: Justices MR Shah and BV Nagarathna

Case No.: CA 2055­-2056 OF 2022

Court Observation: “The respondents – original defendants cannot be permitted to take two contradictory stands before two different authorities/courts. They cannot be permitted to approbate and reprobate once the objection raised on behalf of the original defendants that the Revenue Authority would have no jurisdiction came to be accepted by the Revenue Authority/Tehsildar and the proceedings under Section 250 of the MPLRC came to be dismissed and thereafter when the plaintiff instituted a suit before the Civil Court it was not open for the respondents – original defendants thereafter to take an objection that the suit before the Civil Court would also be barred in view of Section 257 of the MPLRC. If the submission on behalf of the respondents – defendants is accepted in that case the original plaintiff would be remediless. ”

“In any case the respondents – original defendants cannot be permitted to approbate and reprobate and to take just a contrary stand than taken before the Revenue Authority. Therefore, in the facts and circumstances of the case, the learned trial Court rightly rejected the application under Order 7 Rule 11 CPC and rightly refused to reject the plaint.”

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Litigant, Contradictory Stands