National Seminar on Environment Impact Assessment by CELPED, ICFAI Law School, The ICFAI University, Dehradun [April 2 & 3]: Submit by Feb 28


The ICFAI University, Dehradun was established under the provision of the ICFAI University Act, 2003, (Act Number 16 of 2003), enacted by the state of Uttarakhand, India. The University is recognized by the University Grants Commission under Section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956.

The University is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, London & Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. Since its inception, the University has maintained the standard and decorum in the educational environment.

The ICFAI University is the only Non-Governmental Institution among two Indian Universities in the list. ICFAI University is also E-Lead Certified for Online Teaching.


ICFAI Law School, (formerly known as Faculty of Law), a constituent of the ICFAI University, Dehradun is established with an objective of developing a new generation of legal professionals through comprehensive as well as the contemporary body of knowledge integrating law with Management/Humanities to provide students with analytical, world-class, innovative and socially relevant, career-oriented, quality legal education through inclusive technology-aided pedagogies and research, in order to produce a vibrant community of legal professionals.


The Centre was established in September 2020 with Prof. (Dr.) Yugal Kishore as Director, in accordance with the rules and regulations of The ICFAI University, Dehradun. The essential objective of the Centre is to encourage enviro-legal education and concentrated study in the field of environmental law & justice.


Last Date for Abstract Submission: Feb. 28, 2021

Date for confirmation of acceptance of Abstract: March 5, 2021

Submission of Full Paper: March 25, 2021

Dates for Seminar: April 2 and 3, 2021


Papers are invited on the following sub-themes and such related themes that can contribute to the objective of the seminar. The following sub-themes are only illustrative in nature and may include any other theme under the theme of the seminar:

  • EIA as the way forward towards a better Environment and its relevance in the current ecological scenario.
  • EIA Expectations incorporated in the different provisions of the Environmental Law.
  • The modalities of ensuring Environmental Justice within the lens of EIA.
  • The underlying impediments of EIA.
  • EIA & Environmental Law: Implication of Basic Principles
  • Varying Dynamics of EIA Assessment Methods vis-à-vis Trend Analysis
  • Prediction of Environmental Impact Assessment in contrast with the Sovereignty and structure of the Nation.
  • Modern threats to EIA and Models of Environmental Impact Assessment
  • The Recent actualities of Environmental Impact Statements
  • Environmental Management Plans& Environmental Clearance Methods: An Overview
  • Access to Greener Justice: Guidelines for Green Industrial Environment
  • The Evidentiary Value of EIA Notifications and Relevant Acts and laws.



• The abstract must be developed on A4-sheet in Word Document Format typed in Times New Roman in 12 font size with 1.5 line spacing in not more than 500 words, it should not contain more than FIVE keywords.

• The abstract should contain personal details of the author(s) in the order:

  • Title of the paper
  • Name
  • Designation
  • Institute/ University/ College/Organization
  • Contact number, E-mail and address(es), of the author(s).
  • Kindly indicate the name of the main author for correspondence in case of more than one author.


  • Title: Must be written in bold, size 14 and centred margin.
  • Sub-Title: Written in bold, size 12 and left margin.
  • Margin: Manuscripts must be in single spacing,
  • Font: Size 12 in Times New Roman and all margins:1.5 inches (left ) and 1 inch (top, right and bottom).
  • Title of the tables/figure should be written on the top of the tables/figure. Times New Roman, font 12, Bold and centred margin.
  • The manuscript must be submitted in Microsoft Word 2007or above format ONLY.
  • Footnoting should be done strictly according to Bluebook 20th Edition, Times New Roman, Size 10, Line -Spacing 1.5 Word Limit Articles should be generally of 4000-4500 words (excluding references and footnotes).

Name of the full paper and the subject of the email for sending the same shall be in the following format:
Paper_Sub-Theme Number_Full Name of the Author
For eg: Paper_1_AnanyaAgarwal


The participants are requested to send their abstracts & papers to .The Best papers shall be published in our journal, Prakriti: Journal of Environmental Law, Policy, Education & Development published annually by The ICFAI University, ICFAI Law School, Dehradun.

Registration Link

Kindly register at or fill your details in the registration form attached in the brochure and mail it to us at

Registration Fee: No Registration Fee

Contact Information

For any further clarifications, contact the

Faculty Convenors:

Mr. Vishal Bera- 9830558751

Ms. Anushmi Jain- 9837145969

Student Coordinators:

Ms. Muskan Agarwal

Ms. Anushka Seemendra