No Absolute Right Under RTE Act For Admission To Unaided Minority Schools: Bombay High Court

No Absolute Right Under RTE Act For Admission To Unaided Minority Schools

Case: Master Dhairya Pritesh Bansod .vs. The Principal, Mothers Pet Kindergarten, Nagpur and ors.

Coram: Justices Sunil Shukre and Justice GA Sanap

Case No.: Writ Petition No. 2118 Of 2021

Court Observation: “Such being the position, there would be no corresponding right vested in a student to seek admission to such a School and that it would be absolutely within the discretion and of the prerogative of the Private Minority Un-aided School,”

“There may be delay in communication of rejection of the application form by the School to the petitioner, but this delay in communication by itself would not create any right in the petitioner to seek admission to such a School.”

“We would have certainly considered the amendment application moved by the petitioner had there been any possibility of its bearing out any fruitful result,”

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No Absolute Right, RTE Act, Unaided Minority Schools