Privacy as a Human Right: Unheard Voices, Call For Chapters

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Privacy as a Human Right: Unheard Voices, Call For Chapters An Edited Book With Isbn Number

Table of Contents

Concept Note

In the era of rapid technological advancement, the discourse around privacy as a fundamental human right has gained unprecedented significance. The right to privacy is increasingly under threat in the digital age. From government surveillance to data breaches by private companies, our personal information is constantly at risk. Yet, privacy remains a fundamental human right, essential for protecting our dignity, autonomy, and freedom of expression.

This edited book, Privacy as a Human Right: Unheard Voices, brings together diverse perspectives on the ongoing struggle to protect privacy in India. We invite contributions from academics, advocates, research scholars, and students to explore the legal, technological, and social dimensions of this critical issue. This edited book will adopt an interdisciplinary approach, featuring contributions from legal scholars, practitioners, activists, and academics. Each chapter will provide in-depth analysis, empirical research, and practical insights, offering a comprehensive understanding of the complex and evolving landscape of privacy as a human right in the technological age.

About Publication

The book will be assigned an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) to ensure proper identification and availability. It will be published by Shandilya Publications, Delhi, which has three decades of experience.

About the Editor

Dr. Aman Malik’s exploration into the realm of privacy wasn’t just a part of academic studies; it started as a personal mission. Seeing the widespread increase in surveillance and data collection, a strong desire to create awareness and advocate for better protections emerged within him. This drive guided him throughout his academic journey, leading to a Ph.D. thesis titled “The Effect of Technological Advancement on the Right to Privacy: A Critical Study.” His years of dedicated study under the guidance of a renowned professor honed his research skills and theoretical understanding of privacy. He has attended many conferences, seminars, and workshops on privacy. He has published and presented research papers on the concept of privacy, the constitutional validity of Aadhaar, surveillance, and data protection laws. As the editor of this book,

Dr. Aman Malik understands the importance of diversity and inclusion. He recognizes the need for a multifaceted approach to tackling the complex issues surrounding privacy in India. Therefore, he welcomes contributions from scholars, advocates, and activists across various disciplines and backgrounds, creating a platform for their unique perspectives and experiences to converge and enrich the narrative.

Broad Themes for The Chapters

The following are the suggested themes for the chapters:

  • Unveiling Privacy: Human Rights in the Technological Age.
  • Right to Be Forgotten: Legal Perspectives
  • Privacy in the Age of Big Data
  • Biometrics and Facial Recognition: Legal Issues
  • Digital Citizenship and Privacy
  • Government Surveillance and Accountability
  • Challenges in Enforcing Privacy Laws
  • Privacy and Social Justice
  • Intersectionality of Privacy and Other Human Rights
  • Privacy in the Context of Artificial Intelligence
  • Regulatory Frameworks for Privacy Protection
  • Health Data and Privacy
  • E-Governance and Privacy
  • Privacy Education and Awareness
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy
  • International Perspectives on Privacy
  • Children’s Privacy Rights
  • Surveillance Capitalism
  • Privacy and Smart Cities
  • Privacy and Journalism
  • Biomedical Privacy
  • Genetic Privacy and Biobanks
  • Consumer Privacy Rights
  • Privacy in the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Privacy in the workplace
  • Privacy and Education Technology

The themes are illustrative and authors are free to choose topic of their choice as long, it justifies and related to the main theme or sub-themes.

Who can Submit?

  • Academicians and researchers in the fields of Law, Education, Technology and Sociology
  • Lawyers and legal practitioners
  • Activists and NGO representatives working on privacy advocacy
  • Research scholars and graduate students conducting research on privacy
  • Undergraduate students with a keen interest in privacy issues

Submission Guidelines

  • Manuscript should contain the name(s) of the author(s) and address, designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information (email, phone, etc.) is compulsory to submit.
  • Authors are invited to submit an abstract (300-500 words) outlining the scope, objectives, and methodology of the proposed chapter.
  • Abstracts should be sent to email
  • Please mention the subject of email as Book Chapter on Privacy as Human Right.
  • Following a review process, selected authors will be notified and invited to submit their full chapters within the specified timeframe.
  • Chapter should be submitted in MS-Word document.
  • Chapter should be in Times New Roman, 12-point font and 1.5 spaced.
  • Main Title should be in full capitals, bold and centered16 point font.
  • Sub-titles should be in sentence case, bold and 12-point font.
  • One Co-author is allowed.
  • Author’s names should be in small capitals and centred 12-point font.
  • Footnotes should be in Times New Roman 10-point font.
  • Texts and footnotes should conform to the Bluebook 20th Edition.
  • The full chapter must be of around 4,000-8,000 words.
  • The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of Publisher.
  • All submissions will undergo a rigorous review process to ensure quality and relevance.
  • The submission must be the original work of the authors and plagiarism should not be more than 10% excluding footnotes. Report from Urkund, Turnitin and Drill bit will be acceptable.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 26 January 2024
  • Acceptance of Abstract by: 03 February 2024
  • Full Chapter Submission Deadline:  05 March 2024

For Queries

Please Contact:

 Dr. Aman Malik (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Jagan Nath University)

Ph. 8816934435