Road Accident Being ‘Unforeseen’ No Ground To Let Off Offender For Rash And Negligent Driving: Delhi High Court

Road Accident Being ‘Unforeseen’ No Ground To Let Off Offender For Rash And Negligent Driving: Delhi High Court


Coram: Justice Sudhir Kumar Jain

Case No.: CRL.REV.P. 296/2017

Court Observation: “The happening of an accident is an unforeseen incident but it cannot be a ground to let off the offender. The accident may render the entire family of the deceased in state of destitution,”

“The petitioner is directed to surrender before the trial court on 20.11.2023 at 2:30 PM to serve the remaining part of the sentence,”

“The present FIR pertains to the year 2009 and the petitioner is facing the legal and judicial proceedings arising of the said FIR since then. The petitioner is stated to be a first time offender and his antecedents are clear. The petitioner belongs to lower strata of the society. The petitioner is stated to be the sole bread earner of his family which also comprises of his old-aged parents. The legal heirs of the deceased have already received suitable compensation. The petitioner has undertaken to reform himself,”

“The petitioner was driving a commercial vehicle and was supposed to appropriate take care towards other vehicles plying on road particularly light vehicles,”

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Road Accident Being ‘Unforeseen’, Delhi High Court