S.311 CrPC Asserts Power Of Courts To Recall & Summon Witnesses Even After Closure Of Evidence In Criminal Proceedings: Jammu & Kashmir High Court

S.311 CrPC Asserts Power Of Courts To Recall & Summon Witnesses Even After Closure Of Evidence In Criminal Proceedings: Jammu & Kashmir High Court

Case: Farid Ahmad Tak Vs UT of J&K & Ors

Coram: Justice Vinod Chatterji Koul

Case No.: Crl R no.46/2022

Court Observation: Reference in this regard is made to Power of the court to recall any witness or witnesses already examined or to summon any witness can be invoked even if the evidence in both sides is closed so long as the court retains seisin of the criminal proceedings.

If evidence of any witness appears to the Court to be essential to the just decision of the case, it is the power of the Court to summon and examine or recall and re-examine any such person

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S.311 CrPC Asserts Power Of Courts