If Transfer Of Employee Results In Changing Conditions Of Service, Section 9A Of ID Act Will Be Applicable: Supreme Court

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If Transfer Of Employee Results In Changing Conditions Of Service, Section 9A Of ID Act Will Be Applicable

Case: Caparo Engineering India Ltd. V. Ummed Singh Lodhi And Anr.

Coram: Justices MR Shah and AS Bopanna

Case No.: Civil Appeal Nos.5829-5830 Of 2021

Court Observation: “Order of transfer dated 13.01.2015 transferring the respective workman from Dewas to Chopanki, which is at about 900 Kms. away is in violation of Section 9A read with Fourth Schedule of the Industrial Disputes Act and is arbitrary, mala fide and victimization. As observed above, by such a transfer, their status as “workman” would be changed to that of “supervisor”. By such a change after their transfer to Chopanki and after they work as supervisor they will be deprived of the benefits.”

“It emerge from the evidence on record that the respective respondents – employees were employed at Dewas and working at Dewas for more than 25 to 30 years; all of them came to be transferred suddenly from Dewas to Chopanki, which is at a distance of 900 Kms. from Dewas; they came to be transferred at the fag end of their service career; that the place where they were transferred had no educational and medical facilities and that the place where they were transferred had no residential area within 40-50 Kms. from the plant with no means of transport. It also emerges that the number of workers at Dewas factory has been reduced by nine by transferring the workmen to Chopanki.”

“The question is not about the transfer only, the question is about the consequences of transfer. In the present case, the nature of work/service conditions would be changed and the consequences of transfer would result in the change of service conditions and the reduction of employees at Dewas factory, for which the Fourth Schedule and Section 9A shall be attracted.”

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Transfer Of Employee, Changing Conditions Of Service, Section 9A Of ID Act