Call for Blogs by Space Law Decluttered

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Call for Blogs by Space Law Decluttered [Rolling Submissions]: Apply Now!

About Space Law Decluttered

It is a Blog dedicated to coalescing views, opinions, and more on space law, policy, and more.

Call for Blogs

Space Law Decluttered is making a call for blogs on Space law, policy, technology, and economy from those interested especially students pursuing fields allied to Outer Space Policy.

Submission Guidelines

Please follow the following instructions for submission of the Blog:

  1. The submitted article must be original, should not have been published elsewhere, and must be relevant to Space policy or allied to it.
  2. Submission must be made in word format. PDF format or any other similar format shall not be accepted. 
  3. The article must be divided into relevant subheadings.
  4. For footnotes/endnotes, the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) (4th edition) must be adhered to. Authors are advised to be precise while referencing, such as by hyperlinking the relevant statutes and judgments and citing the precise provisions and chronology in brackets.
  5. The minimum word limit is 500 words.
  6. The subject of the email should be ‘SUBMISSION – (TITLE OF ARTICLE)’.
  7. The article must be accompanied by an image that brings out the essence of the article. 
  8. The authors must include a declaration in the body of the mail, as to the bona fides of their submission. A sample declaration to that effect can be: “The article is an original work of the author/s. I certify that the intellectual content of this article is the product of my own work. No part of this article has been copied from any other source without acknowledgment of the source.”
  9. Co-Authorship is permitted. 

How to Submit

Articles must be mailed to with a short bio about the author(s).

Articles after publication may be cross-posted after prior intimation. Submission does not require fees during submission or after publication.

Review Process

  • The review process is a two-stage process. The editorial board will provide acknowledgment of acceptance or rejection within 7 days.
  • In certain cases, the article may be published after required corrections are made by the author of the submission.
  • Articles shall be reviewed and published within 7 days. 

Contact Information

In case of queries, please write at

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