Relevancy of Facts under the Indian Evidence Act?
Relevancy of Facts Questions Covered: Q. What facts are relevant under the Indian Evidence Act? Q. Are those facts also relevant which are the occasion, cause,…
Relevancy of Facts Questions Covered: Q. What facts are relevant under the Indian Evidence Act? Q. Are those facts also relevant which are the occasion, cause,…
Q. What is Judicial Presumption? Explain giving special effects to the law relating to the abatement of suicide by a married woman. A presumption is…
What do you understand by Burden of Proof? On whom does the burden of proof lie? State the rules for determining the Burden of Proof…
Testimony of a Witness Questions Covered: Q. Describe different stages in the testimony of a witness. (Sections 137, 138)Q. What is a leading question? (Section…
What do you understand by Confession? How does confession differ from admission? State the law relating to confessions. What is Judicial and Extra-Judicial confession? Under…
What do you understand by Admission? General Concept of Admission -In general, Admission is a voluntary acknowledgment of a fact. Importance is given to those…
What facts need not be proved? Generally, if a fact is alleged by any party to a suit or criminal case, that party has to…
Explain - Limitations bars remedy but do not extinguish the right.Extracts from the judgment in the case of Bombay Dyeing and Mfg Co. Ltd. v. State…
Evidence Act 1872 Topics Covered: Q. "Evidence may be given of facts in issue and relevant facts." Explain. Q. What do you understand by the relevancy…
Define and explain Theft. Can a man commit theft of his own property? How is Theft different from Extortion? Under what circumstances does Theft become Robbery? Differentiate…
Define the right of private defence. When does a person not have this right? When does this right extend to causing death? When does this…
Stages of Crime What are the stages of crime? What is an attempt to commit an offence? Distinguish between Preparation and Attempt. What do you…
Topics Covered: What is meant by kidnapping from India, kidnapping from guardianship, and abduction? Differentiate between Kidnapping and Abduction.Kidnapping Kidnapping from India - Kidnapping from India…
Define Hurt and Grievous Hurt. Explain the difference.In a normal sense, hurt means to cause bodily injury and/or pain to another person. IPC defines Hurt…
Culpable Homicide Questions covered: What do you understand by Culpable Homicide? In what circumstances, Culpable Homicide does not amount to Murder? What are those exceptions…
Explain the relationship between International Law and Municipal Law. International Law is the law that governs the Relations of sovereign independent States inter se Municipal…
Settlement of International Disputes Topic Covered: What are the peaceful means of settlement of international disputes? Describe the constitution, function, and jurisdiction of the International…
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956 Questions Covered: What are the requisites/essential conditions of a valid adoption according to the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act…
Discuss the sources of Hindu Law. Hindu LawFrom thousands of years, people living in the Indian subcontinent have been leading their lives by following the…
Concept of Will Under Indian Succession Act 1925 Questions Covered Discuss the nature and meaning of the will. What are the essentials of a valid…
Guardianship under Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act 1956 Topics Covered Define the term "Guardian" under Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act 1956. What are the powers…
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956 Questions Covered Who are "dependents" for the purpose of maintenance under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956? What…
Marriage - Sacramental or Contractual? Topics Covered: IntroductionEssential conditions of a valid Hindu marriage. Is there a provision for punishment for violating the conditions?What is…
Lifting Of the Corporate Veil Decoding the Doctrine of Separate Legal Personality Written by: Ms. Nikita Rai A company is a juristic person, but in…
Criminal Liability of Corporate Bodies in India Written by: Ms. Nikita Rai As the advancement in science and technology has made the world borderless, the…
E-Consumer Protection in the Era of E-Commerce Written by: Ms Nikita Rai Before heading towards the main content, we should first try to understand the…
Company as an Artificial Person Written by: Ms Nikita Rai To perceive how an organization could be an artificial person we should first understand what…
Intersection of NFTs and Intellectual Property Written by: Ms Nikita Rai NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are one-of-a-kind tokens that are becoming increasingly popular as investment…
Nagoya Protocol on Access and benefit Sharing Written by Ms Nikita Rai The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD or Rio Convention from Rio de Janeiro,…
Hamdard Institute of Legal Studies & Research (HILSR), School of Law, Jamia Hamdard (Deemed University) is pleased to announce that it is organising its third…
Money Laundering Act, 2002 Written by: Ms Nikita Rai Money laundering is the process of converting illegal money earned through different illegitimate means such as…
Neo-Classical School of Criminology and Its Development Written by Ms Nikita Rai The word Criminology is deduced from the combination of two Latin words, crimen…
Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI) Written by Amrita Sony Introduction Gordon Gekko famously said in the 1987 film Wall Street, "The most valuable commodity I…
Significance of Due Diligence in Mergers & Acquisition Transaction Written by Amrita Sony The due diligence phase of the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) process is…
Conditions under which a person’s Fundamental rights are suspended Written By:- Sudeep M. Introduction As we know fundamental rights is a basic necessity, basic rights…
Convention on women and child rights with recent case laws Written By: Rani Priyanshu Introduction In India, there was a time when all people throughout…
Removal of Judges in India: A Cumbersome process and a history of unsuccessful attempts Written By: Naveen Talawar Introduction The question of removal of a…
False rape cases: Infringement of Male Fundamental Rights Written By: Naveen Talawar Introduction According to Sir Matthew Hale’s seventeenth-century opinion rape ‘‘is an accusation easily…
Bhopal gas tragedy in relation to Vicarious liability Written By:- Sudeep M What is Bhopal gas tragedy It is called worlds worst industrial disaster ,it…
Judicial review under administrative law Written By: Naveen Talawar Introduction Administrative law has been recognized as a separate branch of legal discipline in the middle…
Application Of Promisory Estoppel: A Critique (With Special Reference To Review Of Administrative Descretion) Written By: Meghna Prusty Introduction The notion of equity, fairness, and…
Emergency: The Darkest Chapter In Indian Constitutional History Written By: Naveen Talawar Introduction India is a federal country of its kind it acquires unitary features…
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