Call for Paper - The Law Communicants
The Law Communicants

[Call for Papers] at Maharishi Journal for Law & Society, Vol. III Issue I with ISSN: 2581- 8007, RNI: UPENG/2018/7632 by Maharishi Law School, Maharishi University, Noida [Submit by 15 May 2021]

About Maharishi University Maharishi University of Information Technology (MUIT) was established under MUIT Uttar Pradesh Act No. 31 of 2001 Notification No. 573 dated 06…

Continue Reading[Call for Papers] at Maharishi Journal for Law & Society, Vol. III Issue I with ISSN: 2581- 8007, RNI: UPENG/2018/7632 by Maharishi Law School, Maharishi University, Noida [Submit by 15 May 2021]