The Boilers Act, 1923

The Boilers Act, 1923

ACT NO. 5 OF 1923


An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to steam-boilers.



  1. Short title, extent and commencement.
  2. Definitions.
    2A. Application of Act to feed-pipes.
    2B. Application of Act to economisers.
  3. Limitation of Application.
  4. Power to limit extent.
  5. Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspectors and Inspectors.
  6. Prohibition of use of unregistered or uncertified boiler.
  7. Registration.
  8. Renewal of certificate.
  9. Provisional orders.
  10. Use of boiler pending grant of certificate.
  11. Revocation of certificate or provisional order.
  12. Alterations and renewals to boilers.
  13. Alterations and renewals to steam-pipes.
  14. Duty of owner at examination.
  15. Production of certificates, etc.
  16. Transfer of certificates, etc.
  17. Powers of entry.
  18. Report of accidents.
  19. Appeals to Chief Inspector.
  20. Appeals to appellate authority.
    20A. Power of Central Government to revise order of appellate authority.
  21. Finality of orders.
  22. Minor penalties.
  23. Penalties for illegal use of boiler.
  24. Other penalties.
  25. Penalty for tampering with register mark.
  26. Limitation and previous sanction for prosecutions.
  27. Trial of offences.
    27A. Central Boilers Board.
  28. Power to make regulations.
    28A. Power of Central Government to make rules.
  29. Power to make rules.
  30. Penalty for breach of rules.
  31. Publication of regulations and rules.
    31A. Power of Central Government to give directions.
  32. Recovery of fees, etc.
  33. Applicability to the Government.
  34. Exemptions.
    Power to suspend in case of emergency.
  35. [Repealed.].
    THE SCHEDULE.—[Repealed.]

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The Boilers Act, 1923