The Boilers Act, 1923
ACT NO. 5 OF 1923
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to steam-boilers.
- Short title, extent and commencement.
- Definitions.
2A. Application of Act to feed-pipes.
2B. Application of Act to economisers. - Limitation of Application.
- Power to limit extent.
- Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspectors and Inspectors.
- Prohibition of use of unregistered or uncertified boiler.
- Registration.
- Renewal of certificate.
- Provisional orders.
- Use of boiler pending grant of certificate.
- Revocation of certificate or provisional order.
- Alterations and renewals to boilers.
- Alterations and renewals to steam-pipes.
- Duty of owner at examination.
- Production of certificates, etc.
- Transfer of certificates, etc.
- Powers of entry.
- Report of accidents.
- Appeals to Chief Inspector.
- Appeals to appellate authority.
20A. Power of Central Government to revise order of appellate authority. - Finality of orders.
- Minor penalties.
- Penalties for illegal use of boiler.
- Other penalties.
- Penalty for tampering with register mark.
- Limitation and previous sanction for prosecutions.
- Trial of offences.
27A. Central Boilers Board. - Power to make regulations.
28A. Power of Central Government to make rules. - Power to make rules.
- Penalty for breach of rules.
- Publication of regulations and rules.
31A. Power of Central Government to give directions. - Recovery of fees, etc.
- Applicability to the Government.
- Exemptions.
Power to suspend in case of emergency. - [Repealed.].
THE SCHEDULE.—[Repealed.]
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