The Bombay Civil Courts Act, 1869
ACT NO. 14 OF 1869
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the District and Subordinate Civil Courts in the Presidency of Bombay. Whereas it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to the District and other subordinate Civil Courts in the Presidency of Bombay; It is hereby enacted as follows:
PART I.—Preliminary.
- Short title. Extent of Act.
- [Repealed.].
PART II.—Districts and Sadr Stations. - Alteration and creation of Districts.
- Position of Sadr station.
PART III.—District Courts. - District Judges.
First District Judges. - Situation of District Court.
- Original jurisdiction of District Judge.
- His appellate jurisdiction.
- Control and inspection of Courts.
- Writs and orders. Reports and returns.
- Seal of District Judge.
PART IV.—Joint Judges. - Power to appoint Joint Judges.
- Enactments applying to District Judge to apply to Joint Judge. Joint Judge’s seal.
PART V.—Assistant Judges. - Power to appoint Assistant Judges.
- Situation of Assistant Judge’s Court.
- Original jurisdiction of Assistant Judge.
- Appellate jurisdiction of Assistant Judge.
- Continuance of Assistant Judge’s appellate jurisdiction.
- Power to invest Assistant Judge with powers of District Judge.
- Assistant Judge to use seal of District Judge.
PART VI.—Subordinate Judges. - Number of Subordinate Civil Courts.
- Appointment of Subordinate Judges.
22A. Power to fix local limits of Jurisdiction of Subordinate Judges. - Situation of Subordinate Courts.
- Classes of Subordinate Judges.
Jurisdiction of Subordinate Judge of first class.
Jurisdiction of Subordinate Judge of second class. - Special jurisdiction of Subordinate Judge of first class.
- Subject to verification and confirmation by the Department.
- Appeals from his decision.
- Appellate jurisdiction of Subordinate Judge of first class.
- Power to invest Subordinate Judges with small cause powers.
- Seal of Subordinate Judge.
- [Repealed.].
- [Repealed.].
- Reference of Government suits.
Removal or suspension. - Commission of enquiry into alleged misconduct.
- Suspension of Subordinate Judges by High Court or District Judge.
Saving of power of Government to suspend or dismiss.
PART VII.—Temporary vacancies. - Temporary vacancy of office of District Judge.
- Delegation of powers of District Judge.
- Temporary vacancy of office of Subordinate Judge.
PART VIII.—Ministerial Officers. - Appointment, etc., of ministerial officers.
- Duties of ministerial officers.
- Power to appoint Clerks of the Courts.
PART IX.—Miscellaneous. - Rules for keeping proceedings.
- Fees for process.
- Sittings of Courts.
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The Bombay Civil Courts Act, 1869