The Central Silk Board Act, 1948
ACT NO. 61 OF 1948
An Act to provide for the development under Central control of the 2** silk industry and for that purpose to establish a Central Silk Board. WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the development under Central control of the 2 * silk industry and for that purpose to establish a Central Silk Board.
- Short title and extent.
- Declaration as to expediency of Union control.
- Definitions.
- Constitution of the Board.
4A. Disqualification for being nominated or appointed as a member of Board. - Power of the Central Government in default of nominations.
- Vice-Chairperson and Standing Committee.
- Secretary of the Board.
- Functions of the Board.
8A. Constitution of Central Silk-worm Seed Committee.
8B. Powers and functions of Committee.
8C. Power to notify kinds or varieties of silk-worm seeds.
8D. Hybrid Authorisation Committee.
8E. Registration Committee.
8F. Constitution of Seed Certification Agency.
8G. Constitution of Central Seed Testing Laboratories.
8H. Appointment of Seed Officers.
8-I. Export and Import of Silk-worm Seed.
8J. Statement by silk-worm seed producers. - Funds of the Board.
- Imposition of cess on certain kinds of silk.
- Control by the Central Government.
- Accounts of the Board.
12A. Annual report. - Power of Central Government to make rules.
13A. Power to make regulations.
13B. Laying of rules, regulations and notifications. - Penalties.
14A. Penalty for contravention of sections 8C and 8E. - [Omitted.]
15A. [Omitted.] - Bar of legal proceedings.
16A. Effect of Act and rules, etc., inconsistent with other enactments. - [Omitted.
The Central Silk Board Act, 1948