Two-Credit Certificate Course on Business Laws and Practice 6.0 | CBLT-RGNUL

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Two-Credit Certificate Course on Business Laws and Practice 6.0 | CBLT-RGNUL

About the Centre

The Centre for Business Laws and Taxation (CBLT) is one of the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab’s flagship centre. The Centre aims to further its objective of bridging the gap between the theory and practice of corporate law. It is established to promote comparative research and discussion in the field of corporate law. It focuses on analyzing current policy approaches in various areas of corporate laws such as corporate governance, insolvency law, mergers and acquisitions, taxation, etc. It plans to streamline the process of learning through academic courses, programs, and publications. It also focuses on identifying the gaps existing between industry and academia by effective joint research.

The Centre follows a multi-disciplinary approach to recognizing problems in the field of corporate laws and endeavors to engage in dialogue to facilitate changes in it. It is based on the objective of establishing a culture of discussion on corporate laws in the country by educating the next generation of lawyers and law students.

About the Course

This certificate course on business laws and practice is structured to analyze the current legal issues in the field of corporate litigation by identifying the lacunas existing in corporate law to benefit law students and young professionals who understand the nuances of corporate litigation.

The course will be delivered through interactive lectures by practising professionals, giving the participants practical insights into diverse areas of law. The course is structured to create awareness of the scope and challenges in various domains of business law. The course will cover various topics such as Capital Markets, Competition Law, Direct Tax, Banking Law, Consumer Law and FMCG Regulations. The resource persons will delve into the practical as well as theoretical nuances of their respective practice areas and interact with the students regarding the requirements of corporate law practice in the contemporary world.

Registration for the course:

Every student pursuing a UG/PG course, faculty, or practitioners in the field of law wishing to attend the online course has to register using the given Google Form with all the required details. The registration fees for the course shall be paid through the given link.

NOTE: The last day for preliminary registration for the course is 12th February 2025.

For your reference, we have attached the brochure, which contains all the necessary details about the course.

For any queries, please contact the undersigned:

Ms. Abha Singhal

(+91) 9602908908

Mr. Tanmay Doneria

(+91) 9997730505

Events & Outreach Team Leads, CBLT-RGNUL