‘Unfortunately in India A Girl Child is in A Very Vulnerable Position’ : Kerala Court Finds Man Guilty Of Raping 9 Yr Old Girl

‘Unfortunately in India A Girl Child is in A Very Vulnerable Position’ : Kerala Court Finds Man Guilty Of Raping 9 Yr Old Girl

Case: Thrilok @ Ani vs state of THIRUVANANTHAPURAM
Coram: Special Judge R.Jayakrishnan
Case No.: SESSIONS CASE 1295/2013
Court Observation:
“Children are precious human resources of our country. They are the country’s future. The hope of tomorrow rests on them. But unfortunately, in our country, a girl child is in a very vulnerable position. A crime against a child in such a manner is a crime against humanity and the society.”
“Considering the totality of the evidence and the circumstances which I narrated above, I hold that the accused had committed rape, aggravated penetrative sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault on PW7, minor victim girl.”

‘Unfortunately in India A Girl Child is in A Very Vulnerable Position’ : Kerala Court Finds Man Guilty Of Raping 9 Yr Old Girl