Call for Applications by Centre For Environmental Law, Research and Action

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Call for Applications by The Centre For Environmental Law, Research and Action (CELRA)

About the Centre

The Centre For Environmental Law Research and Action (CELRA), Niti Manthan is committed to ensuring that everyone is equipped to understand the nuances of Environmental law. CELRA examines environmental law and its jurisprudence in India and its scope in the international community and streamlines the process to work toward climate change and sustainability through law and effective policy. We are dedicated to expanding the scope of inclusivity of environmental policy and try to ensure that all stakeholder’s opinions are regarded in its policymaking. 

The Centre for Environment Law, Research and Action,  (CELRA) is looking for volunteers and interns for its various departments. We are looking to attract applications for leadership and member positions for the following departments.

Policy Analysis Wing:

Headed by Swetha Naidu & Laghima Sharma.


Research and Development Department:

Headed by Nandini Praveen


Projects Team:

Headed by Jhethru V


Please go through the forms and requirements carefully. All details have been duly provided. In case of any questions, please reach out to the relevant department heads.

Eligibility: Students and young practitioners in diverse fields such as law, humanities, environmental sciences, creative fields, and journalism. 

Deadline: June 30th, 2022 at 11:59 pm.

For Additional Information:

1. Website:

2. LinkedIn:

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Call for Applications by The Centre For Environmental Law, Research and Action (CELRA), Call for Application by CELRA