Celebrating Innovation Ecosystem: Knowledge Sharing On Innovation and Intellectual Property

Celebrating Innovation Ecosystem: Knowledge Sharing On Innovation and Intellectual Property organized by the Department for the Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) IPR Chair

As a part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) is celebrating from January 10-16, 2022 as Innovation week to encourage Innovation Ecosystem in India.

We have great pleasure in inviting you to the Webinar on  Celebrating Innovation Ecosystem: Knowledge Sharing On Innovati organized by the Department for the Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) IPR Chair, Gujarat National Law University in collaboration with Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM) as a part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.

Details of the webinar are listed below, and we invite and encourage participation for the same.


Wednesday, 12 January 2022


10 AM – 11.30 AM IST





Who can Attend

Students, Research scholars, Academicians, Startup founders, Entrepreneurs

Celebrating Innovation Ecosystem: Knowledge Sharing On Innovation and Intellectual Property
DateJanuary 12,2022.10 AM-11.30 AM(CISCO WEBEX)
10am- 10.05 am Introductory remarks Dr. Annamma Samuel, DPIIT IPR Chair Professor, Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) 
10.05 am -10.15 amInaugural Address 
10.15 am-10.30am SPEAKER 1  NIMISHA VARMACo-Founder & Co-Chair -Aloe Ecell Winner, NATIONAL STARTUP AWARDS 2020 
10.30am-10.45 am SPEAKER 2  DHINESH KANAGARAJ ·Founder & CEO-Fabheads Winner, NATIONAL STARTUP AWARDS 2020
10.45am-11am SPEAKER 3  JAMES JOSEPHFounder & CEO, God’s Own Food solutions Pvt.Ltd. (Jackfruit Studio) Winner, NATIONAL STARTUP AWARDS 2020 
11 am-11.15 am  SPEAKER 4  SHANI PANDYAFounder & CEO, Power Tree  Winner, ‘Startup of the Year 2020’ by EQ International
11.. 15 am Vote of ThanksMr.N.Subramanian
Assistant Manager, CIPAM

CISCO WEBEX joining details

Session number: 2644 653 8560
Session password: eKxKmjm3s39

Following are some quick instructions and information to ease your process of joining the session.


Kindly download the Cisco WebEx App on Desktop.

Queries may be addressed to dpiitchair@gnlu.ac.in

Celebrating Innovation Ecosystem: Knowledge Sharing On Innovation and Intellectual Property - The Law Communicants

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