Consumer Courts Can Direct Builders to Give Refund & Compensation to Homebuyers for Failure to Deliver Apartments: Supreme Court

Consumer Courts Can Direct Builders to Give Refund & Compensation to Homebuyers for Failure to Deliver Apartments

Case: Experion Developers Pvt Ltd vs Sushma Ashok Shiroor

Coram: Justices UU Lalit, S. Ravindra Bhat and PS Narasimha

Case No.: CA 6044 of 2019

Court Observation: “A consumer invoking the jurisdiction of the Commission can seek such reliefs as he/she considers appropriate. A consumer can pray for refund of the money with interest and compensation. The consumer could also ask for possession of the apartment with compensation.”

“When Statutes provisioning judicial remedies fall for construction, the choice of the interpretative outcomes should also depend on the constitutional duty to create effective judicial remedies in furtherance of access to justice. A meaningful interpretation that effectuates access to justice is a constitutional imperative and it is this duty that must inform the interpretative criterion.. When Statutes provide more than one judicial fora for effectuating a right or to enforce a duty-obligation, it is a feature of remedial choices offered by the State for an effective access to justice. Therefore, while interpreting statutes provisioning plurality of remedies, it is necessary for Courts to harmonise the provisions in a constructive manner.”

We may hasten to clarify that the power to direct refund of the amount and to compensate a consumer for the deficiency in not delivering the apartment as per the terms of Agreement is within the jurisdiction of the Consumer Courts. Under Section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act, if the Commission is satisfied …that any of the allegations contained in the complaint about the services are proved, it shall issue an order to the opposite party directing him to, return to the complainant the price or as the case may be, the charges paid by the complainant. ‘Deficiency’ is defined under Section 2(g) to include any shortcoming or inadequacy in performance which has been undertaken by a person in pursuance of a contract or otherwise relating to any service. These two provisions are reproduced hereinbelow for ready reference.13 It is clear from the statutory position that the Commission is empowered to direct refund of the price or the charges paid by the consumer.

A consumer invoking the jurisdiction of the Commission can seek such reliefs as he/she considers appropriate. A consumer can pray for refund of the money with interest and compensation. The consumer could also ask for possession of the apartment with compensation. The consumer can also make a prayer for both in the alternative. If a consumer prays for refund of the amount, without an alternative prayer, the Commission will recognize such a right and grant it, of course subject to the merits of the case. If a consumer seeks alternative reliefs, the Commission will consider the matter in the facts and circumstances of the case and will pass appropriate orders as justice demands. This position is similar to the mandate under Section 18 of the RERA Act.

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