Crime Against Women in Indian Society

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Crime against women in Indian society

Written By: Nikita Mandal


One in three women worldwide experience physical or sexual violence.  Violence against women and girls can be horrific, including human rights violations and immediate and long-term physical, sexual and emotional consequences for women and girls, including death.  Violence negatively affects the general welfare of women and prevents women from fully participating in society.  It affects their family, their community.

Gender-based violence and sexual violence against women known as sexual and gender-based violence are mainly considered as a form of violent activities.  Promises can take various forms, especially against women or girls.  The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women states, “Violence against women is a manifestation of a historically unequal power relationship between men and women” and “Violence against women is an important social process by which women are forced into a subordinate position”.

Prevent Violence against Women

Both men and women can be victims of violence, violence against women, often at the hands of men.  Violence is a unique class that relies on the current balance between men and women, boys and girls.  Violence against women is an important element that strengthens men’s power and control over women around the world. 

There are several ways we can overcome this. Violence against women is local, and it affects every class, age, sexuality, caste, power/disability, religion, or another woman.  The main driver of violence against women is gender inequality, which operates on many levels, from social and cultural norms to economic and structural injustices.  Women or men, friends with parents or children, only colleagues if they work professionally to stop violence against women, we can all take steps that will help eliminate violence against women.

Crime against women:

  1. Sexual Harrasment at work place:

The Sexual Harassment of Women in the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Remedy) Act, 2013 was passed with the aim of protecting women in the workplace.  Sexual harassment is when a person is subjected to unwanted behaviours such as physical intimacy such as holding, touching, pinching, eve-teasing, engaging directly or unnecessarily for another person’s sexual favours, showing sexuality to another person. 

This law repeals the guidelines for the prevention of sexual harassment introduced by the Supreme Court of India.  Victims can also lodge complaints with the police under Indian Penal Code 1860 under 294,354, 354A, 509.

  1. Acid Attack:

An acid attack, which is called an acid attack, is a kind of violent attack, which is spread in a person’s body without any guilt.  The victims of these attacks throw acid at their victims, usually towards their faces, to burn and damage the skin.  The long-term consequences of these attacks include blindness, as well as permanent scarring of the face and many physical, social, emotional, and economic hardships. 

Sections 326A and 322B of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, provide for the punishment of intentionally causing serious injury by attempting to throw acid, respectively.  Article 100 of the Indian Penal Code allows the right to private defence as a cause of death if acid is thrown or attempted to be thrown.

  1. Rape:

Rape is one of the most heinous atrocities committed against a woman in our society.  If a man has sexual intercourse, that is, enters his penis in any way, it is rape.  Entering a woman’s vagina, mouth, anus or forcing her to do it with her or someone else.  It is against his will and without his consent to have an unwilling relationship with him or any other person under any circumstances. 

In his consent, when his consent is obtained by holding him or any person interested in him for fear of death or injury.  Without his consent, when he is less than eighteen years of age.  The raped woman can file an FIR with the local police station following the Indian Penal Code.

  • 376-Punishment of rape
  • 376A- Punishment as a result of death or damaged permanent plant stage.
  • 376 B- Sexual intercourse by husband during divorce
  • 376C- Sexual intercourse by an authorized person
  • 376D-gang rape.


Freedom hinders girls in peace and security It prevents women from participating in peace and democratic processes and post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation work.  As a result of rape and various forms of abuse, many women are losing their health, livelihood, husband, family, and support.  It can instead dismantle such a structure of community values ​​and thereby disrupt their transmission to future generations.

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