Future Leader’s Fellowship (FLF) Program

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

About the Fellowship

In recent years, leadership training and public policy have gained momentum on the grounds of their importance for the youth. This course is designed to impart the right kind of theoretical as well as practical knowledge to develop leadership skills and a set of qualities required for governance and policymaking. The sole motto of Yogya is to uncover the true meaning of participatory democracy to increase young participation in the public sphere. This course provides learners with the tools to become fully informed participants in democracy by inculcating the values of a leader.

Skills you will Gain

  • Assessing and mapping the landscape of politics
  • Developing and maintaining a position of influence in leadership
  • Socio-Political awareness
  • Enhancing skill-sets for making a career in public policy, politics, voluntary organisations and allied fields.
  • Leadership values and capacities

Module of Fellowship

The module for this course will comprise 3 areas:

  • Leadership and management

This section will deal with imbibing the true understanding of leadership, introduction to today’s leadership styles, political organisations and their working, electioneering in India, campaign management and self-management sessions for future leaders.

  • Public policy and governance

Deep understanding of states and citizens, types of states, administrative and bureaucratic reforms, policy implementations, constitution of India, electoral system, evolution of E-governance and decentralised governance.  

  • Participative democracy in Action

Learning political concepts, socio-political discourse of India, international affairs and geo-politics, economy and development, political history of India, theories of nationalism and democracy.

The theoretical module shall be followed by ground work and experience module with opportunities to work in the policy and political domains depending upon the performance of the candidates.

Fellowship Mentors

Member of Parliaments, Member of Legislative Assemblies, Political Leaders, Advocates, Social Media strategists will take different and innovative sessions in the fellowship.

Who is this fellowship for?

1.Students (Undergraduate, graduate, doctoral) researchers, acamedcians and professional of law, political science, public policy, social science , Journalism, Data Analytics, App Management and relevant fields.

2. Anybody looking to make a career in political leadership and governance.

3. Young people interested in learning politics, democracy and leadership studies

  • No. of Fellows Required: 03
  • Duration of Fellowship: 30 Days young leaders’ fellowship
  • Perks:  
  • Certificate after completion of Fellowship
  • Recommendation letter
  • chance to work with the core team of Yogya on Delhi MCD Election 2022
  • Last date to register: 22nd April, 2021
  • The fellowship will start from the month of May, 2021
  • Website- yogyafoundation.org