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MyLawman is one of the fastest-growing Legal Community websites for Legal Resource sharing and an e-learning platform for law students, legal professionals, and legal academia. As a one-stop solution, MyLawman caters to differential needs of Law students and professionals across different divisions viz. legal blogs, opportunities, journal, judiciary preparation, and e-learning content including online courses.
MyLawman is a growing family of around 250 law students as volunteers/ interns and campus ambassadors along with hundreds of law faculties on board. MyLawman partners with Law Schools, Law Firms, Domain Experts (resource persons), and NGOs working in the field of Law to build and disseminate legal knowledge to learners/legal fraternity. We at MyLawman also provide law students and persons unrestricted access to legal resources and articles of Law.
The contents of the website are submitted by the persons like you and released under CC-BY-3.0 license for open access because we believe that knowledge is free and to stay update especially for law and its opportunities is one’s Natural Right’Corp Comm Legal extensively supporting our motto partnered us as our Knowledge Partner in 2020.
About The Event
MyLawman is delighted to announce that we are organizing an Online Interactive Certificate Course on Competition Law & Practice. This course has been designed for all law students and budding lawyers who want to build their careers in competition law; including research scholars and law professionals who are enthusiastic about gaining knowledge about various facets of Competition Law. The course has speakers comprising recognized professionals of the Competition Law practice. This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to become an excellent competitive lawyer, with solid legal foundations and a broader vision of the sector. The course shall be conducted live in online mode from 18th June 2021 to 5th July 2021.
Competition laws are established to have fair trade practice and healthy competition among members in the market, and their function is to ensure the maximum protection given to both buyers and sellers. Keeping in view the vast area of possibilities for a legal career in this arena of legal spheres, this course is designed to cover every nook and corner of Competition Law to be delivered with great expertise of renowned speakers having unparalleled knowledge of this less traveled but adventurous road to excellence in Competition Law.
Our participants in the Online Interactive Certificate Course on Competition Law & Practice will be addressed by 7 distinguished Speakers from professional organizations like Ex Lege Chambers, Competition Commission of India, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, J. Sagar Associates, Economic Law Practice, Faculty of Law- Dharmashastra National Law University and Trilegal.
Key Highlights Of The Course
WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: By the end of this course you will be well acquainted will the following-
Understanding of the legal and regulatory framework that governs the development of the Competition law.
- Concepts and functions of market and role of competition law.
- Practical parlance and treatment of Anti-competitive agreements.
- Theoretical basis and practical issues Merger Control, IPR, Investment and their relation with Competition Laws.
- Modern dimensions of Competition Law in different sectors of the market.
COURSE CURRICULUM AND SPEAKERS: The course is divided into 8 Modules for better understanding and wholesome coverage of the course. Read below the themes and their speakers:
- Inaugural Day Keynote Speech by Mr. Shantanu Mukherjee, Head of Chambers, Ex Lege Chambers, New Delhi (Inaugural Day Speaker)
- Scheme and important pillars of Competition Law in India, EU, and the US by Mr. Ankit Srivastava, Assistant Professor, Dharmashastra National Law University, Madhya Pradesh
- Abuse of Dominance by Mr. Abhay Joshi, Associate Partner, Economic Law Practice, Mumbai
- Anti-Competitive: Horizontal & Vertical Agreements by Ms. Radhika Seth, Senior Associate, Trilegal, Mumbai.
- Digital Gatekeepers and Competition Law by Mr. Devarsh Kotak, Associate Lawyer, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, Mumbai.
- IP & Competition by Mr. Shantanu Mukherjee, Head of Chambers, Ex Lege Chambers, New Delhi
- Merger Control by Mr. Ela Bali, Principal Associate, J. Sagar Associates, Mumbai.
- Antitrust Investigations and Current Trends in Competition Law and Global Competition by Mr. Anku Sharma, Expert (Law), Competition Commission of India, New Delhi.
Mr. Abhinav K Mishra, Head- Advanced Research in Law and Advisor- RID, MyLawma Ms. Sonal Saxena, Head – Research and Innovation Division (RID), MyLawman Ms. Ayushi Gupta, Course Coordinator, MyLawman.
Evaluation Process
The participants shall be continuously assessed. The assessment shall be done through the following:
- class interaction and attendance
- the final assignment (one assignment shall be given at the end of the course)
Video Recordings And Study Material
- Recordings of videos shall be provided to the participants to facilitate them to watch the session in case they couldn’t attend in real-time.
- The recordings and the material shall be accessible to the participants for a duration of two months from the completion of the course.
Eligibility, Registration, Fee, And Contact Details
ELIGIBILITY: The course is open to-
- Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of Law and allied fields.
- Academicians, Research Scholars, and Professionals from all the fields.
Fee Details
Rs. 1200 for Students: those currently enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Rs. 1500 for Professionals: practicing lawyers, academicians, research scholars, and Ph.D. candidates.
Last date for registration- 17 June 2021 by 8:00 PM
Registration Link- https://rzp.io/l/competitionlaw
Upload your payment proof and document here- https://forms.gle/T1PJovw4rqkbHqCv9
Ms. Ayushi Gupta
+91 85277 46658 (WhatsApp)
To Know More, Visit- www.mylawman.co.in/clp