International Journal On Consumer Law And Practice: Call For Papers, No Submission or Processing or Publication Charges
Table of Contents
- About The International Journal On Consumer Law And Practice (IJCLP)
- Call For Papers
- Submission Deadline
- Submission Guidelines
- How To Submit
About The International Journal On Consumer Law And Practice (IJCLP)
The International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice (IJCLP) (ISSN 2347-2731) is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed law journal published annually by NLSIU under the aegis of the Chair on Consumer Law and Practice, NLSIU. Founded in 2013, IJCLP provides a forum for discussions on national and international best practices in consumer protection law. The journal is indexed on SCOPUS, UGC-CARE, HeinOnline and SCC Online.
Previous issues have featured contributions by Hon. Justice AK Sikri (Judge, Supreme Court of India), HC Mult Norbert Reich (Emeritus Professor, Bremen University, Germany), Cristina Poncibò (Assoc. Prof., Comparative Private Law, University of Turin, Italy), Laura Zoboli (Asst. Prof., European Economic Law, University of Warsaw, Poland), James P Nehf (Prof. and Cleon H Foust Fellow, Robert H McKinney School of Law Indiana University), Gail Pearson (Prof., University of Sydney, Australia), etc.
The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) is an institution of legal education focusing on undergraduate and graduate legal and policy education in India. The University’s Chancellor is the Chief Justice of India, and the Chairman of the Bar Council of India is the Chairman of the General Council. Since 2018, NLSIU has consistently held the top position among law colleges as per the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), which ranks higher educational institutions across India.
The Consumer Law and Practice (CLAP) Chair—the first of its kind in India—was established in August 2008, at the National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India. Its goal is to promote research, teaching and training in the area of
Consumer Law and Practice. Ever since its inception, the Chair has been headed and administered by Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Patil, who is the Chief Editor of IJCLP. IJCLP seeks to provide a forum for engaging in discussion on various National and International best practices of Consumer Protection Laws. Following the tenth successful volume of the Journal and in continuance of the endeavour to encourage academic discourse and legal scholarship, the Board of Editors invites submission for the Eleventh Volume. The Journal welcomes contributions from academicians, practitioners, students of law and allied fields.
Call For Papers
The Board of Editors invites submissions for Vol. 11 of IJCLP. The journal welcomes contributions from academicians, practitioners, students of law and allied fields, on the following key themes:
- Online discrimination in the collaborative economy;
- Consumer protection in the financial sector;
- Transparency in consumer credit contracts;
- Trading data in the digital economy;
- Consent on social media and e-commerce platforms;
- Consumer behaviour: goods and services, business and marketing practices, retailing;
- The consumer ecosystem and its interactions with consumer law: globalisation, sustainability, technology, ethical consumption, gender issues, citizenship;
- Consumer protection with respect to sale of goods and services through social media platforms;
- Consumer protection from fake reviews on e-commerce portals;
- Consumer protection and fall-back liability;
- Imposition of service charge on consumers for services rendered at hotels and restaurants;
- Recognition of the right to repair as a consumer right;
- Assessment of consumer protection in India in relation to international best practices;
- Sustainable consumerism;
- Settlement of cross-border consumer disputes; and
- Dark patterns and consumer protection.
The themes listed above are merely indicative and not exhaustive. The journal encourages submissions on any contemporary issue in the field of consumer protection and its legal interactions.
Submission Deadline
The deadline for submission is 11:59 pm Indian Standard Time (IST), 30 March 2023.
Submission Guidelines
Article types
- Research article (6,000-8,000 words, inclusive of abstract and footnotes)
- Case comment (2,500-3,000 words, inclusive of footnotes)
- Legislative brief (2,500-3,000 words, inclusive of footnotes)
- Book review (2,000 words, inclusive of footnotes)
Note: Book review contributors are expected to submit a hard or soft copy of the book along with a consent letter from the publisher or author of the book at the address of the Journal as specified on the IJCLP website.
Formatting guidelines
- Do not include the name of the author(s), institutional affiliation or any other identifying information in the submission.
- All submissions should be sent in doc or docx formats.
- The body text should be formatted in Times New Roman, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be formatted in Times New Roman, font size 10, with single line spacing.
- Headings and subheadings should be in the following format:
- Title: Times New Roman, 16 Points, Bold, All Caps, Centre Align
- Name of Author(s): Times New Roman, 14 Points, Italics, Centre Align, separated by “&”
- Abstract Text – Times New Roman, 11 points, Italics, Justify, 1.0” Spacing
- Level 1 headings: Times New Roman, font size 13, all caps, centre aligned
- Level 2 headings: Times New Roman, font size 12, all caps, italics, left aligned
- Level 3 headings: Times New Roman, font size 12, sentence case, left aligne
- Block quotations: Times New Roman, font size 12, justified, single spacing, 0.5” indents on both sides
- All citations should be placed in footnotes (and not endnotes) and must conform to the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (4th edn, 2012).
Important information for authors
- Your submission must contain a disclaimer confirming that it is an original piece of writing that has not been published, or is under consideration for publication, elsewhere.
- All submissions are subject to plagiarism check.
- Submissions first go through internal review by the editorial board. Only those that pass the initial screening are sent for external peer review.
How To Submit
Only electronic submissions are accepted. All submissions must be made via the journal’s online system, along with a covering letter and resume. For any queries, contact us at
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