Lis Pendens – Transfer Of Property Not Void Just Because It Is Made During Pendency Of Suit; But Subject To Outcome Of Case: Supreme Court

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Lis Pendens – Transfer Of Property Not Void Just Because It Is Made During Pendency Of Suit; But Subject To Outcome Of Case

Case: G.T. Girish Vs Y. Subba Raju (D)

Coram: Justices KM Joseph and PS Narasimha

Case No.: CA 380 OF 2022

Court Observation: “The right of the party to the suit who conveys his right by a sale is extinguished. All that Section 52 of the Transfer Property Act provides is that the transfer which is made during the pendency of the proceeding is subjected to the final result of the litigation”

“A transfer which is made lis pendens it is settled law, is not a void document. It does create rights as between the parties to the sale. The right of the party to the suit who conveys his right by a sale is extinguished. All that Section 52 of the Transfer Property Act provides is that the transfer which is made during the pendency of the proceeding is subjected to the final result of the litigation. Even assuming for a moment that the conduct of defendant 1(a) the father of defendant 1(b), in giving a no objection and thereby enabling defendant 1(b) to derive the title exclusively to the property and which title stood conveyed to the second defendant attracted, the principle of lis pendens, it would still not invalidate the sale. At best, the plaintiff can contend that, should he be entitled for a decree of performance the sale in favour of the second defendant should be subjected to such decree. As far as the transfer is made by defendant 1(b) to the second defendant in his own right and in so far as defendant 1(b) was not a party and by the time the sale was effected the period of limitation for impleading defendant 1(b) had already clearly expired even the principle laid down in the decision of the Madras High Court would not apply and the High Court was not correct 125 in finding that the sale by defendant 1(b) in favour of second defendant was hit by lis pendens.”

Doctrine of Lis Pendens is based on the maxim “pendente lite nihil innovetur”. This means that pending litigation, nothing new should be introduced. Section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (for short, ‘the TP Act’), which incorporates the Doctrine of Lis Pendens, is based on equity and public policy. It pours complete efficacy to the adjudicatory mechanism. This is done by finding that any disposition of property, as described in the Section by a party to the litigation will, in not any way, detract from the finality of the decision rendered by the court.

93. It is further important to notice that when a transaction is done, lis pendens or pending a case, the transaction is, as such, not annulled. The transaction is, in other words, not invalidated. In fact, as between the transferor and the transferee, it does not lie in the mouth of the transferor to set up the plea of lis pendens to defeat the disposition of property. Equally, the Principle of Lis Pendens is, not to be confounded with the aspect of good faith or bonafides. In other words, the transferee or the beneficiary of the property, which is disposed of by a party, cannot set up the case that he acted bonafide or in good faith. This enables the court and the parties in a Suit or a proceeding, which otherwise is in conformity with requirements of Section 52, to proceed in the matter on the basis that the adjudication by the court, will not, in any way, be subverted or delayed, when the day of final reckoning arrives.

“The sine qua non for the Doctrine of Lis Pendens to apply is that the transfer is made or the property is otherwise disposed of by a person, who is a party to the litigation. The Doctrine of Lis Pendens, only subject, however, the transfer or other disposition of property to the final decision that is rendered. The person/party, who finally succeeds in the litigation, can ask the court to ignore any transfer or other disposition of property by any party to the proceeding. This is subject to the condition that transfer or other disposition is made during the pendency of the lis”. “Neither the fact that the transferee had no notice nor the fact that the transferee acted bonafide, in entering into the transaction, are relevant for applying Section 52 to a transaction. This is unlike the requirement of Section 19(1)(b) of the Specific Relief Act whereunder these requirements are relevant”

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