About the Organization
Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology – Deemed to be University, Meerut has been granted Deemed-to-be University status by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education vide its Notification No. F-9-37/2004-U.3 (A) dated November 8, 2006, under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act 1956. The University is a research-intensive university that shares the values of high-quality teaching within an environment of internationally competitive research. The University seeks to provide a creative and supportive environment in which ideas are generated and flourish.
Shobhit University aspires to make academic issues and commitments the key concerns of the young generation and thereby, make a significant contribution to the academic developments wherever they are in the world. By fostering quality education, research, and innovation, the University endeavor to empower youth. Inspired by the talent that is regularly enriched and driven by innovation is the guiding philosophy of Shobhit University’s enlightened community.
The University translates its vision into reality on the path of achieving excellence in engineering, technology, and management, based on the fundamentals of 21-century education to conform and serve basic human needs, for overall development and inclusive growth.
About the School: School of Law and Constitutional Studies (SLCS) is a constituent department of Shobhit University and is approved by the Bar Council of India. SLCS intends to introduce students to the study of law with an emphasis on the Indian Constitution. The school focuses on legal studies with an understanding of how constitutional rules affect political and economic processes. The School was formally inaugurated by Shri Keshri Nath Tripathi Ji, H.E. the Governor of West Bengal, and an eminent Advocate.
The School is imparting quality legal education since 2013. It offers courses of BA.LL.B, B.Com.LL.B. (Hons.), BBA.LL.B. (Hons.), LL.B. (3 Yrs. Program), L.L.M (2 Years Program) & LLM (1 Year Program), and Ph.D. It aims to nurture the finest Law professionals to work in every spectrum of the legal areas. We attempt to instill in every student respect for the Rule of Law, Commitment to basic Professional Values: Honesty, Diligence, Competence, and Intelligence.
About the Competition
National Debate Competition for students, aims to provide an opportunity to come forward and experience the art of debating to take away the 3Es – Experience, Expertise, and Excellence. The primary goal of a debate is for students to generate effective critical thinking into primary issues. Data privacy is one of the most concerning issues nowadays. Privacy is the right to be left alone or free from character violence or misuse. Personal information protection is inextricably related to privacy, i.e. every person’s right to enjoy his life and freedom without arbitrary interference with his private life, family, home or correspondence, etc.
The topic for the Debate Competition:
Who is it for?
Any students enrolled in UG/PG of any course are eligible to participate.
Mode: Online
Language: English Only
General Rules
- The competition will be organized on zoom video conferencing application, in online mode.
- Students are invited in a team of two (cross university teams are permitted).
- Speaker 1 of the team shall speak for the motion and Speaker 2 shall speak against the motion.
- Each speaker shall be allowed to speak for 5 minutes.
- Granting the rebuttal will be the sole discretion of the judges.
- There shall be negative marking for exceeding prescribed time limit.
- Decision of the judges shall be final, and no objection shall be entertained.
- As per the Draw of Lots, Speaker 1(for the motion) of a team shall individually contest with Speaker 2(against the motion) of the other team. The cumulative marks of both the speakers of one team shall decide the position of the team and its further promotion to the next Round.
For example, there are two teams: Team A and Team B. Speaker 1 (for the motion) of Team A will debate with Speaker 2 (against the motion) of Team B. And Speaker 2(against the motion) of Team A will contest with Speaker 1(for the motion) of Team B. The total marks obtained by Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 of Team A will decide their position. The same goes for Team B.
- Each speaker shall keep their cameras and mics on throughout the round, especially when he/she is speaking (including in to the rebuttals).
- The dress code for the competition is western or Indian formals.
- Any kind of misbehaviour will lead to disqualification.
- No usage of any book, document or electronic gadget is allowed with the participant while speaking.
- Participants should ensure proper network connectivity before and during the session.
- In case there will be any technical issue from the organizer’s side, the time limit extension will be done accordingly.
- The organizers reserve the right to alter or change the rules or the procedure of the competition.
Disclaimer: The Rule shall be strictly adhered to. The organizers reserve the right to disqualify teams for deviating from the rules. The Organizers will resolve any contingencies that may arise and will be the final arbiters regarding any doubts/ grievances. The decision taken by the Organizers shall be final. These Rules are not exhaustive.
Important Dates
Last date for registration: July 22, 2021
Online Debate: July 24, 2021
Announcement of results: July 24, 2021
Important Links
How to Register?
The student can register at https://bit.ly/2UJTaF3
Registration Fee: Rs. 500 for each team consisting of two members
Bank Details for payment:-
- Bank Name: Union Bank of India
- Branch Address: Shastri Nagar, Meerut
- Account Name: Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology
- (Shobhit Deemed University)
- Account Number: 496604010029158
- IFSC Code: UBIN0549665
- Winning team: Cash Prize of 10,000 along with appreciation certificate.
- First Runner up team: Cash Prize of 7000 along with appreciation certificate.
- Second Runner up team: Cash prize of 5000 along with the certificate of appreciation.
- Participation certificate for all participants.
Note: Certificates will not be provided in physical mode.
Contact Information
Faculty Coordinator:
Ms Anjali Upadhyay, Assistant Professor (SLCS)
Email: anjali.upadhyay@shobhituniversity.ac.in
Mb. No. 7905154044
Students Coordinator:
Aditi Bhardwaj (7668722402)
Utkarsh Gupta (8868869880)