Panel Discussion on Women in Mediation
Table of Contents
About the Organisation
Accords International (AcIn) is the world’s premier organization working in the area of conflict resolution. We are passionate about discovering innovative techniques in mediation and restorative justice for widening their scope as a mechanism of conflict resolution.
AcIn was conceptualized in 2021 with an aim to:
- Empower individuals to establish better dispute resolution mechanisms;
- Utilize existing techniques in dispute resolution in a more productive way and create new techniques in the area;
- Create a pan India network of professionals, academicians, judges, bureaucrats, and students working in the area of conflict resolution and restorative justice &
- Synergise the working of alternate dispute resolution mechanisms with courts and the government for faster and optimal results
AcIn organizes a monthly chat with global conflict resolution experts to sensitize the audience about creating innovative techniques for conflict resolution.
About the Event
At Accords International, we try to organize programs on new and interesting themes which are not generally touched upon by many organizations in India.
This panel discussion, around the theme ‘Women in Mediation’, on the occasion of Women’s Equality day, August 26, seeks to contribute to the discussion around women’s empowerment in mediation. It does so by addressing specifically the experiences of women as mediators.
We have invited female mediators/conflict resolution experts from around the world to have a discussion on the question of what skills women bring to mediation. This question needs two levels of inquiry. On the one hand, it involves a general inquiry into skills necessary to be a good mediator. On the other, it requires an inquiry specifically into the question of why include women mediators in a certain type of mediation. The panel discussion will explore the skills and motivations of women mediators and the subjective experience of women in that role.
Speakers For The Event
- Dr. Clare Fowler– VP, Managing Editor-, Teacher, Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Department & University of Oregon Law
- S. Lucia Kanter St. Amour– Attorney | Author | VP of Board of UN Women San Francisco
- Meena Waaghray– Founder, Chief Mediator/Lawyer in High Court of Karnataka
- Kathleen Ruane Leedy– Bi-coastal and IMI Certified Civil Business, Workplace and Family Mediator, Advisor in Accords International
- Sangeeta Mehrotra- Advocate & Medator in Supreme Court of India, Advisor in Accords International
Moderated By
- Akanksha Marwah– Co-Founder COO Accords International, Mediator & Negotiator ADR Register, Amsterdam, RJ Facilitator (India & USA)
- Upasana Singh– Founder CEO Accords International, Mediator & Negotiator ADR Register, Amsterdam, Certified Mediator (India & UK)
The webinar is Free of Cost (No registration charges)
August 26, 2022
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM IST (6:30 AM – 8:00 AM PDT)
Register today with the link below!
Registration Link-
In case of any query please write us at

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