An online RNBGU All India One Day Debate Competition shall be held on 9th September 2020.
Topics for the Competition – “Health Laws of India are effective and sufficient for Pandemic “.
About the Event
The School of Law of the RNB Global University, Bikaner [Rajasthan) proudly announces 1st RNBGU All India Online One Day Debate Competition, a One Day debate Competition, to be held on 09 Sep 2021.
RNB Global University, Bikaner is established vide Act No. 20 of 2015 in the State of Rajasthan. The University is spread on a vast well-developed campus and offers courses in various disciplines having all modern facilities. The School of Law of RNB Global University started in 2016 and has Five Years Law Degree Course of B.A., LL.B. and BBA, LL.B. The teacher-student ratio at present is 1: 6. The curriculum for the courses fulfills the requirements of BCI and is in compliance with other competitions, like- RJS and Civil services, etc.
We strive to provide a platform to the Law Students, on-roll in any Law Institute/ College/University/Faculty/Department situated within the State of Rajasthan & all over India for imbibing in them the pragmatic skills of law. This debate competition is one such attempt of creating a simulated atmosphere for the mental development of the seekers of knowledge. The objective, in fact, is to allow the Students to deliver into intricacies of the given fields of current importance and to provide a real-life experience cum training in doing cutting edge research, presenting groundbreaking arguments, and contributing to the development of wisdom and understanding on contemporary international issues.
Aims and Objectives
Education is a continuing process. It cannot and should not be stopped. On-Line mode of education due to existing epidemic Corona has been developed as a new pedagogy, may not be as effective, as face to face mode of education, still seems the need of the time.
An International problem facing the World at present has been made a subject to increase the acumen of a student of International relations, International politics, and International law. The rights of the people of all countries and the spirit to protect the national interests would develop in the student fraternity. The competition also aims to provide an opportunity for these students to exhibit their skills, increase awareness and the skills of debate and advocacy.
Last Date of Payment of Registration Fees | 30th August 2021 |
Last Date of Submitting Soft Copy of Proof of Payment of Registration Fees & Scanned Registration Form | 5th September 2021 |
Dates of Event | 9th September 2021 |
Date of Announcement of Result | 11th September 2021 |
About The Copetition
A learning community needs to be developed where sharing ideas, cultivate ideas, enhance communication skills, and move forward thereby empowering ourselves to see a better world. The competition helps in bringing the participants all around the globe thereby getting people closer. It adds to a greater advantage of knowing the various aspects in and around the world with various views for and against. It enlarges our scope of thought and knowledge. The Debate Competition is not only about the competition itself, but an educational extended activity that includes, familiarization with contemporary issues which provides a new and exciting way of exploring the changing dynamics of the international developments. That develops the ability to analyze and synthesizes data and information to form arguments and take a position, familiarizing self with exposure to the audience, compete and take action in college and local community proposing for a better world.
Our university sets a motto to help the participants through the debate competition in finding issues ranging from basic social policy to grander theory about constitutional design and democratic theory which suggests that legal debates overlap with several other social institutions and expectations. With a view to strengthening the roots of democracy and intricate healthy habits of discipline, tolerance of the views of others and to enable the student community to understand in-depth the issues happening in and around the country, such competitions provide a platform to express various perspectives on the contemporary legal issuers, subsequently producing a cross current of thoughts on developing matters. This stage touches the activity and yearning young law students to contribute in the field of law.
The Competition intends to build dedicated debaters who grow up to become persuasive speakers, analytical thinkers, and proficient researchers. Not only do debaters learn to write well-reasoned and persuasive arguments, but they also learn to love researching and writing.
Debate work becomes a satisfying competitive outlet for a student’s creativity and intellect. Moreover, both debate and legal work involve applying relevant theory and precedent to the specific text of a codified law or resolution. Given the nature of the competitive debate.
An online RNBGU All India One Days Debate Competition shall be held on 9th September 2020, subject to the condition that a minimum of 20 teams is registered before the due date of registration, otherwise, the debate completion shall stand canceled and the amount of registration deposited by the teams shall be returned.
Topics for the Competition
Health Laws of India are effective and sufficient for Pandemic.
- Rules For The Competition
- The Competition shall be held on 9th September 2021, from 10:00 am onwards on Google meet.
- The Speakers shall not disclose their identities and shall only represent themselves by the Team Codes allotted to them. Team codes shall be provided to each team after successful registration.
- The competition shall consist of 2 rounds i.e. Preliminary & Final.
- The registration procedure for the competition shall be as under :
- A duly filled scanned copy of the registration form, which is attached herewith shall be emailed to ,
- The registration form ought to reach the organizers on or before of due dates as mentioned above, beyond which no registration shall be allowed.
- This competition is open for the present bonafide students studying in any recognized School, college or University.
- The students shall carry their college identity cards and show during the competition.
- The participants shall report at least 5 minutes before their scheduled time.
- The participants shall dress in formals only.
- Each speaker shall be allowed to speak for 7 minutes for each round.
- The language for the debate competition shall be English or Hindi . Hence, the participants can use either language but must stick to one language and not switch between them.
- The organizers reserve the right to alter or change the rules or the procedure of the competition.
- Use of foul or obscene language will lead to disqualification.
- Participants are allowed to use any source of information during preparatory period of time. No book, document orelectronic gadget shall be allowed to the participant during the competition.
- Separate links for competition day shall be generated and sent to the teams.
- One member shall speak in the favour of motion and another will speak against the motion.
- Refund of registration fees & prize money for team will be paid only in the account of the person, whose account no ismentioned in registration form.
- A confirmation mail from the authorized person from the representing university/college must be required as the permission.
- Disclaimer: The decision of the Judges and the organizing Committee on any issue arising during the competition shall be final and binding.
Who Can Participate?
- Two regular students from each Department of a University or an affiliated College of a University shall constitute one team. Two teams from each such Institute of Higher Education are eligible to participate in the Debate.
- All Schools of the RNBGU, including School of Law may participate and shall be considered as one separate Institution. They shall be required to register till due date with registration fee.
Registration Date
As mentioned above.
Registration Fee
Student participation: Registration fees of Rs. 200/- shall be payable by NEFT or any other online mode to the organizers, pursuant to which the registered candidate shall become eligible for participation. No cheque or cash method of payment will be allowed.
Bank Details for payment of registration fees
Name of A/c Holder: RNB GLOBAL UNIVERSITY, payable at Bikaner A/c No: 61276471798
Bank: SBI, IFSC Code: SBIN0031725
The Preliminaries and the final
- All the teams registered for Competition shall participate at the Preliminary round of the Debate Competition.
- Three independent judges, viz. a Senior Advocate; a senior teacher of Law and a senior teacher of Political Science, shall be Judges for all preliminary rounds on the First Day of Competition.
- Best eight teams based on the selection of the panel of judges for the debates at Preliminaries shall participate at the Final Round of the debate competition.
- Three independent judges, viz. a High Court Judge (sitting or retired) or a senior Advocate of the High Court; a Senior Professor of Law; and a Senior Professor of Political Science shall be Judges for Finals round of the Competition.
Prizes for the winners (In finals)
- Winner Team: Rs. 2,100 + Certificate
- Best Speaker (in Favour of Motion): Rs. 1100 + Certificate
- Best Speaker (Against the Motion): Rs. 1100 + Certificate
- Runner-up Speaker (in Favour of Motion): Rs. 500 + Certificate
- Runner-up Speaker (Against the Motion): Rs. 500 + Certificate
Certificate of participation
All participants shall be issued Certificates of Participation.
All enquiries to be addressed to
Ms.Swati Agrawal
Assistant Professor, School of Law, RNB Global University, Bikaner
Mobile No: +91-8209267417
Mr. Ashok Prem
Assistant Professor, School of Law, RNB Global University, Bikaner
Mobile No: +91-7014220120