Section 190 (1)(b) CrPC- Magistrate Can Summon Person Not Named In Police Report Or FIR If Materials Reveal Prima Facie His Involvement: Supreme Court

Section 190 (1)(b) CrPC- Magistrate Can Summon Person Not Named In Police Report Or FIR If Materials Reveal Prima Facie His Involvement

Case: Nahar Singh vs State of Uttar Pradesh

Coram: Justices Vineet Saran and Aniruddha Bose

Case No.: CrA 443 OF 2022

Court Observation: “If there are materials before the Magistrate showing complicity of persons other than those arraigned as accused or named in column 2 of the police report in commission of an offence, the Magistrate at that stage could summon such persons as well upon taking cognizance of the offence”

Inclusion in column (2) was not held to be the determinant factor for summoning persons other than those named as accused in the police report or chargesheet. The principle of law enunciated in Raghubans Dubey (supra), Dharam Pal (supra) and Hardeep Singh (supra) does not constrict exercise of such power of the Court taking cognizance in respect of this category of persons (i.e., whose names feature in column (2) of the chargesheet)…

…In the cases of Raghubans Dubey (supra), SWIL Ltd. (supra) and Dharam Pal (supra), the power or jurisdiction of the Court or Magistrate taking cognizance of an offence on the basis of a police report to summon an accused not named in the police report, before commitment has been analysed. The uniform view on this point, irrespective of the fact as to whether cognizance is taken by the Magistrate under Section 190 of the Code or jurisdiction exercised by the Court of Session under Section 193 thereof is that the aforesaid judicial authorities would not have to wait till the case reaches the stage when jurisdiction under Section 319 of the Code is capable of being exercised for summoning a person as accused but not named as such in police report. We have already expressed our opinion that such jurisdiction to issue summons can be exercised even in respect of a person whose name may not feature at all in the police report, whether as accused or in column (2) thereof if the Magistrate is satisfied that there are materials on record which would reveal prima facie his involvement in the offence. None of the authorities limit or restrict the power or jurisdiction of the Magistrate or Court of Session in summoning an accused upon taking cognizance, whose name may not feature in the F.I.R. or police report

For summoning persons upon taking cognizance of an offence, the Magistrate has to examine the materials available before him for coming to the conclusion that apart from those sent up by the police some other persons are involved in the offence. These materials need not remain confined to the police report, charge sheet or the F.I.R. A statement made under Section 164 of the Code could also be considered for such purpose.

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Section 190 (1)(b) CrPC, FIR